Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Visit from Igloo-Land

Today my Uncle came to visit me! He was doing a trip of Romania and Bulgaria and decided to stop off.

We toured the town and ate. I actually ate at a good restaruant! Yay! He printed out a list from the internet called "10 things to do in Leuven" and it was funny cuz he actually crossed out things on the list like 'Party in the Oude Markt' and 'Beer Taste'. So instead we went to the recommended restaruant and had rare Filet Mingon (I break my self imposed veggitarianism for special cases). It was literally bleeding on my plate. Aweesome.

Plusss...I made him bring a suit case for me. Which my mother overstuffed with food even though I explicitly told her that I wasn't starving and it was a waste of space that could be much better spend with more hoodies.

But at least now I am not starving when I go to bed because I was too lazy/cheap to buy food.

I didn't go to class today..again. Someday I tmrw. I basically have 2 days of class from 9-8, and one day of a 2 hour class and the rest of my time I do.

I was thinking of joining the rock climbing team. But I am scared of heights. And the 'initiation' nights are the next 2 sundays in a row, the wknds I am going to Amsterdam and Paris. Probably a good thing, I would just end up crying on top of a rock in Northern France and being eaten by a giant spider.

Speaking of which, the spiders are BACK in my showers. And there is also a bee now. They're kind of my friends now, I like to talk to them. And threaten to squirt them with shampoo if they misbehave and come down.

I'm sick again. AGAIN. This has been happening for a few years. Like I will be sick for 3 days at a time every week or so. It will disappear and come back. I need to let myself fully recover from my illness.

But there is so much beer calling to me...

Today for instance I had 2 delicious Krieks (yummy cherry beer) and a tasty Leffe Blonde which comes in a giant glass. It is very light and refreshing, but Kreek is still great if you want more of a fruit-juice tasting drink w.o being sweet.

And my tolerance is def. rising. I wasn't even tipsy!

K i have to go to sleep becaue I am determined not to miss my 9am philosophy of technology class! (fascinating eh?)

1 comment:

rachkael said...

leffe blonde is SOOO good. I got some at the wine bar below the fishmarket (they have a HUGE list of Belgium beers) and then I spilled it all over the table.