Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Petrikov, my new bff

I had planned to spend my evening cleaning up my room yesterday so I didn't have to sleep on the floor again.

But then I got depressed, ( there will be a large upcoming post about whyyy) and conviently got a text msg from Christina.

So I went to her flat armed with Petrikov.

No, Petrikov isn't a hot Eastern European boy with limited language skills, Petrikov is a delicious vodka drink.

It's 14% and tastes like koolaid.

Basically, it is BETTER then a hot Eastern European boy with limited language skills.

I started swigging on the way there and by the time I left I was halfway on the floor.

I'd like to remind everyone that this was lastnight, aka tuesday night, aka I have 9 am class wed. morning.

And then I started dancing ON the oak stump. Whenever I'm drunk, I just get the urge to dance dance dance on high heights. Ever feel the same? It's like instinctual.

Then I went home at 1:00 (a very reasnoable hour thank you very much) and started reading some of the rules posted on the door outside. Except they were in Dutch, but I think I got the gist. I'm sure one of them was 'Don't piss on the street" and a Dutch guy, before asking if I was British (which I happily nodded to) Translated one as "Be cozy" or something. Who knows

I crawled into my sleeping bag which I had squished onto my bed.

Then I awoke at 8:00. Puked. Got dressed. Puked again. Ate and Oat bar. Fixed my bike chain. Drank a Sprite Zero. Went to Enviromental Ethics.

and now I am finally about to do my first real load of laundry!

Wish me luck!

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