Tuesday, October 2, 2007


This is SO embarrasing. I should not be posting this on the internet. But whatever. Everyone should know that I"m a huge klutz.

I woke up this morning so out of it. I think it was because I was sick and only had a few hours of sleep. I was really disoriented.
So I put on my slippers and walked the mile to the bathroom. On the way back I saw a chinese guy and asked him if I could use his kettle. After a minuite of trying to translate "Kettle...boiling water..tea..water..hot...steam" it worked out. So as I was about to open my door...

My feet flew out from underneath me and I SLAMMED my head against the hard, hard floor.

And just like that, the cobwebs cleared from my brain.

So..if you ever need to wake up for class, forget espresso, try the Kubes Cure and smack your head.

I hope I didn't actually get a concussion. I don't think I've fallen like that in 10 years though.

I was late for class but at least I WENT.

I learned all about Darwinism as I sipped my chamomile tea. And loudly blew my nose.

Does anyone else get really awkward about blowing their nose? But its like...you just have to do it. There is just no other choice. I can't leave class every time I get stuffed up...

Then I went to the bookstore, but the one book I needed they didn't have, so I think I will just photocopy everything. Even though I hate reading from photocopies, it is way cheaper and I won't have to lug books in my already overstuffed suitcase.

K ...off to the advanced Philosphical Anthropology class where we will be discussing idolatry..as Jesus glares at us on the wall.