Wednesday, October 24, 2007

2-4 Hour Run

I haven't blogged for almost a week! Weekends here are kind of boring, all the Belgians go home to be boy scouts leaders (I kid you not). I was supposed to go to Paris but the trains were all on strike! And the chain on my bike keeps breaking, I have just given up.

Last year and this year, I just have too much time on my hands. Even though I am taking like 8 classes I only have 3, (but really 2 since I never go to class on Wed anyways) days of class and there is not really too much work (although the readings mysteriously keep Simon and Tiffany busy) so I have nothing to do!

I have been trying to fill my time with hobbies. I, for instance, made my own pasta sauce from scratch. Then I made my own salad dressing from scratch. is great for that sort of thing.

And I joined the school's international Newspaper, The Voice.

Maybe I should start going to the gym?? Or not...

I even considered taking up rock climbing until I remembered that I was scared of heights.

Maybe I will take up painting.

Anyways, so yesterday the ppl in my rez told me about this '24 hour run' thing. Ummm..okay another Belgian oddity. Apparently all the faculties compete in a relay run and it lasts for 24 hours. Sounds exciting I though sarcastically.

So I felt like shit, because I am sick AGAIN. But I went anyways.

Holy Shit.

It was a fuking giant carnival!

Literally thousands and thousands of students were mushed together in a forest with ppl running around a track.

There were food stands and a red bull tent etc.,

I even participated in on of those things where you dress up in a cushy suit and try to knock the other person off of a bar. I will show you pics later to clarify.

I wish I could have enjoyed it more, but I felt so sick that I went home early (also with the intent to wake up for Environmental Philosophy)

Which obviously never happened.

I think I will just stay in bed alll day today.

There is a 'girls night' on my floor today which should be tres interesting.

Quote of the day

"In Belgium, We are the sluts. So You can imagine how the Belgian girls must be"

Spoken by a Dutch girl in reference to how reserved Belgian boys are

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