Saturday, October 6, 2007


I am trying to stay on a budget and it requires me to be frugal. I am becoming a frugal MASTER.

For instance, instead of paying 4.50 euro to launder one load of clothes, I decided to hand wash clothes.

Although I actually have been doing my laundry for quite a while, I have always been wary about handwashing. I mean...does it REALLY get clean?

So I decided to enlist some professional help:

I had half a bottle of washing powder I got for free at a lingerie store in Toronto. (Tip#2 Load up on freebies wherever and whenever they appear). Since I don't have hot water in my room, I boiled some water in my brand new (11 euro) kettle, dumped in some powder and washed the shit out of my underwear and wife beaters.

I pulled out a string from the curtains I got at a second hand store (2 euro) and tacked them in my wall (free from the guy next door)

They are now hanging to dry.

I'm pretty proud of myself. I can just imagine my great-great grandmother doing the same a century and a half ago in a shetiel in Ukraine.

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