Sunday, September 16, 2007

Things I have noticed about Belige.

1. They are obessed with food.

Like seriously. There are zillions of restaurants. When you think it is a cafe, it is really a restaurant serving delish food. And they are always busy. There are a zillion cafes per street and they are all in good buisness. These ppl have an hour and a half for lunch every day.... they eat well. Their national pride is also based on food.
Frites, Chocolates, Beer, Waffles. What else does anyone know about Belgium? And these restaurants don't serve dinky food either. They are all at least 10$ per plate and are presented beautifully, always with extras.

But the most amazing thing of all? They aren't fat.......
The second most amazing thing of all? You aren't expected to tip!

2. Beer tastes different here.

Stella Artois is delish and smooth and goes down so nice here.

3. Beer is cheaper then Coffee.

You can get beer for 1.50 and coffee is usually 1.70.

4. Nobody serves or drinks tap water.

Apparantly the tap water is fine to drink. Then how come I have never seen a Belgian drinking it? They walk around with their Spa mineral water and they give you the dirtiest look if you ask for it in a cafe and then refuse to serve it. Also, I read in Lonely Planet that Belgium has like the most polluted water in Europe.

Pass the Evian please!

5. Old people are robust

This is a country full of old ppl. But healthy looking old ppl. Always 2 women or a women and a man. It is super cute! And they are all so wel dressed with their short white hair and beige slacks. And very mobile. I never see and old women with her daughter for instance. What keeps them so healthy? Maybe it is all the healhty food they consume, like frites, waffles, beer and chocolate. :P

6. Girls wear heels on cobblestone

Everyone is outfitted in these knee high boots with stockey heels. All I hear is'click clack'. They don't wear stilletos, but fat, short heels. still though..I never see running shoes. Even girls in high school. Their 'flats' even have a kitten heel. I mean...why bother. Boots are huge here, Thank goodness I bought some 2 fall seaons ago. Whew...that was a close call.

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