Saturday, September 22, 2007

Not a Kike like me

E-wall showed me this video on youtube with that name, and I think it fits this blog. Kind of....only not really. I just like the offensive name.

So I was in the kitchen making my usual spagetti when the Adorable Chinese lady asked me why I am a vegitarian. I rude are ppl? Like how many reasons are there to be veggitarian? Obviously because you think there's something wrong with eating animals.

"Well" I said "I kind of have dietary laws"

"Why?" she asked.

"Well, ya know, for my religion" I said hoping the questioning would stop there.

"What religion?" she asked oh so innocently

"ummm..." I continued reluctentely..."I'm........Jewish"
She literally starting jumping up and down

I have never seen anyone so excited to meet a Jew before. I promised her that I was telling the truth. She felt the need to tell me that Chinese ppl thought Jews were the most educated ppl. Yea..I knew where this was heading. I always try to deny this so called intellectual capability because it always leads to one place.

"We also say that in American, the money of merchants goes into the pockets of the Jews"

and then she started giggling.

Uh huh, heard it all before lady.

But I told her to keep it on the download, esp. from the Iranian girls.

I'm so sick of answering questions about Kashrut, holidays, I mean I'm not freakin Wikipedia. I have to explain Kashrut at least 5 times to each person before they actually get it. And then they don't even really get it. And the shocked looks I get when I start talking about the Shabbat laws...okay ppl, yes...Jews are an ancient religion and we still have rituals that Christianity has long abolished, don't act so shocked.

Adorable Chinese lady kept being like 'really? Really? your a Jew! I'm taking Hebrew classes!" She was super cute about it. Except for the merchant comment. But now at least I know the views of Christians from rural China...pretty tame actually.

But now I found out about hebrew classes which means I get to take Biblical Hebrew!!

Which I'm actually excited about it...even though when I took it at age 10 it was like hardest Hebrew I have ever done...maybe it will be easier this time around...

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