Thursday, September 27, 2007

Biblical Hebrew

I missed my class this morning. I think it is all the beer, it just makes me have such good sleeps.

So I went to my Biblical Hebrew class.

Yes, I know, I took Hebrew 3 hours a day from grades 1-5, but 6 months after I dropped out, I forgot how to read, write and speak it. I know ppl don't believe this, but it is true and the only sentence I remember is "I no speak Hebrew because my school was english"

I'm also thinking of doing a masters in The Bible and Near Eastern civilizations and you need to be able to read/understand Biblical Hebrew for that, which is different from modern Hebrew anyways.

I took one Biblical Hebrew year in grade five and I HATED it. So I am hoping after the passing of 10 years I am ready to take it on again.

I feel like after a month it will (hopefully!) all come back to me again.

So I walked into the theology building and sat down. This was a masters seminar, there was maybe 10 ppl in the class consisting of a Priest, A girl from Poland, Lithuania, Germany, Ireland, etc. I was the only North American. And I was the only one in a mini skirt and a swirly pink and green notebook. I feel like every time I enter a class I have to be like 'no..really, I promise you I'm not an idiot"

Then I went to go find a cola machine (which they didn't have)
when I returned, there were two clearly American boys sitting beside me.

Hmmmm...who would be crazy enough to take a Biblical Hebrew Masters seminiar if you were in a bachelor program in North American?

1. Me
2. Jews who can already read Hebrew and want an easy A

Then I thought, no, they can't be Jewish. I am the only Jew in the town. And they are blondish. But maybe they are... So went the volleyball in my mind.

The teacher explained to us our homework which consisted of writing each letter of the alphabet (get it..Alef, Bet??) filling up 2 lines of notebook paper.

In Toronto I have notebooks full of that exact same exercise...from when I was 7. But at this point I honestly cannot even remember the entire alphabet, so it will be usefull.

We are using a website '' aka...a Jews for Jesus website that explains the language. Why do the Jews not have a helpful website like that??? Step it up Israelites.

After class the Jew-Boy asked me what part of Canada I was from. Aha! He was Jewish.
It turns out he knows Toronto because he goes to Jew Camp in Canada and all of his friends are there. We played a pleasant round of Jewish geography, a game I have sorely missed.

We all ended up having lunch and they told me there are SIXTEEN more Jews on their exchange program!!!!!!

And yet...I was the only student from Leuven on the high holidays?? Again...Israelites...step it up!

It really is refreshing to talk to Jews. There is a different rythum. Basically everyone speaks really fast, interrupts each other, there are many hang gestures and no one takes offense.

Tonight is a thursday night...which I have heard..means...crazy party night in Dutch because most students go home to their fam on the wknds.

So I will update trmw on how tonight is.

And I am off to French-level one!

(it really is like first grade again)

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