Thursday, September 27, 2007


I had a run-in with Helpful Belgian this morning in the co-ed showers. I was wearing my giant towel with Candian flags all over it (I'm very patriotic) and he was wearing..a tiny white towel only around his bottom half. I think he has a girlfriend, but he is still cute and super helpful, aka he has fixed my sink, put up my curtains, given me a internet cord. That's his job though, as the floor leader, so no special treatment (unfortunately) His girlfriend is one of those skinny Belgians with lanky blonde hair. Not fake, perky, American blondes, with french nails and super white teeth, but true, simple, watered down, natural, sweet contintental euro-blonde. The shower run-in, while being awkward (for my North American sensibilities), was probably perfectly natural for him.

And I reallllllly hope he never discovers this blog.

Some euro's have been reading it and I keep having to like delete and edit posts that are obviously about them.

I naturally slept through my class.

Then I went to my afternoon one, where Christina gave me a Dutch Phrasebook Cd, so I can at least learn the basics. The professor walked in and my reaction was "Is THAT the professor?" I thought I was Drew Barrymore in "Never Been Kissed". He looked like a Dutch version of that guy! There are only two reasons I plan not to drop that class, and that is the second one. The first one is the time slot. (I refuse to take classes on Monday or Friday)

Then Joanna-Gallagher-Look-Alike walked in and turned to me "Is that the Professor?" Enough said.

I think I have been drinking to much.

Every single day I find myself consuming some sort of alcohol, mostly beer, but sometimes wine. I haven't had anything hard yet. By the end of this year I am going to find myself with a huge beer belly.

Finally my psuedo-residence had a sort of get together where we played ice breakers (while drinking of course). We had stand on chairs and then line ourselves up alpabetically , while never touching the ground. It involved a lot of groping of other people. I was the last chair and had to get across 40 people to the third chair. And then my shoe fell off.

This Italian girl on my floor and me where talking, and it was like looking into a mirror. Not actually, but there were so many similarties. No wonder everyone who has never met a Jew thinks I look Italian. I think I am going to spend a night here and just pretend I am from Italy. It is an uncanny resemblence between me and all the Italians I have met so far. Okay, well I can tell the difference between a Jew and Italian, but, I think when Rome sacked Jerusalem, they took some captives if ya know what I mean.

Then me, Carleton Candians, and Joanna-Gallagher-Look-Alike, went out. We started out at a classy bar, then moved to a club thing. Then a Holland girl knew of a like secret party above the club. So we followed this sketchy route up the stairs and around coridors until we reached the room of the Holland club. Boys where actually wearing Holland sashes, but Joanna-Gallagher-Look-Alike asked them if it was the Irish flag. I'm not sure if they liked that too much. There is a picture of the mural of the wall on this page. It is a picture of Dionysis, the Roman g-d of wine. I remember from the Roman history class I never went too, that there was a cult, The Bacchi,(sp?) that had orgies until they got banned from Rome. Someone correct me if I am wrong..

Then...the best part of the whole night..possibly of the whole week....

I rode side saddle on the back of the bicycle.

I am becoming a true Dutch Girl.

Everyone was going to the engineering faculty bar, and I didn't bring my bike. So this Dutch girl casually suggested I just hope on the back of hers.

Well....ok then.

The third time I tried, I did it! (after losing my shoe the first)

I wiiiish I had a picture, but hoepfully I will do it again.
There is a grate thing on the back of bycicles and while the person is riding, the other person has to literally jump on sideways.

The engineering party was all male. Basically. They played music exclusively from 1998. (Mumbo number 5, anyone?)

The beer was 90 cents. yes...90 CENTS!!!! How low can it go???'

The bathrooms were co-ed. As usual , the sink for washing hands was beside the urinals. And men were actually using them. The door was also open. I walked in with my hands half covering my eyes as usual until this random guy like guided me through and then started yelling to me about canada.

I don't think I will ever understand these unisex bathrooms. Like seriously, in Europe shitting is a privallege not a right.

Then I went home for my 9 am class....which I never made it too of course.

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