Sunday, September 23, 2007

In flanders Fields

Today I went on a cycling adventure. Since it is sunday, the holy day, and you cannot even shit on sunday, it was the only thing I could really do.

I just wanted to go to the park, but naturally I got lost and ended up 7 km from Leuven. It was great. I got fresh air, I felt very country chic on my euro bicycle ( not one of those mountain bikes I have at home). I rode through trails, on highways, in pastures etc.

I had no idea where I was going. Literaly no idea, but everytime I saw a biker, I just kind of followed them or went where they came from. Once I went up into a cow field, but I think that was illegal. Cows are really awesome. I have never seen one up close, except for maybe once. Or maybe they were bulls. Well, some where black and some where white. They were just chilling. It looked like a tableau.

I ended up in this small town in g-d knows where and this bar was open so I ordered a diet coke. Pardon me, a 'coke light' aka the fake coke that they serve here. But at least it was in a glass bottle and not a plastic bottle. I hate coke in plastic bottles. It ruins the flavour. (and by flavour I mean the water, absorbic acid and aspartame)

Then I stumbled upon a cemetery behind a church. It said it was a commonwealth cemetery, but I'm not really sure what that means exactly. All the graves looked Belgian.

I managed to get back to Leuven and got some yummy hazelnut chocolate.

I think I might cycle to Brussels one day, it is only 26 km away and it looks pretty flat.

Then I had a chocolate covered banana at the fair. Every year since 891, there has been a fair in town. Thats has something to do with the war between the Vikings and the Franks and the blood blocked the river. So obviously there must be festivities to celebrate this.


taylor said...

Dear Danielle,
- A BUll is a large cow with horns (and a penis if it's not castorated)
- A Heffer is smaller is born female
- a Holstein cow is black and white (sometimes more of one or the other color). They are the classic dairy cow
- brown cows are usually jerseys (much smaller than Holsteins) and despite popular belief do NOT produce chocolate milk

Love, T.

ButterBall said...

then i did see a bull! it had a huge ball sack. Good thing I wasn't wearing red.