Tuesday, September 18, 2007


My rice is cooking so I will make this a short post.

They don't sell Teryaki sauce in grocery stores and couscous is very expensive. I think coming from Toronto I have international tastebuds that the Belgians are missing.

Every time I'm in the kitchen there are only ethnic ppl there. Never Flemish one's. The Iranians are cooking thier rice and rasins, the Czech boy his meet, the Chinese girl her noodles and me her spagetti. Except today I am going to be cooking rice.

School hasn't started yet, but I can't wait till it does and things pick up around here. Things move at a veeerrry slow pace. I am learning not to multi=task because I actually do have enough time to do one thing at one time and not 7 at once.

I signed up for French classes today and the placement test put me level one. I'd like to add I have taken French from ages 4-14. But obviously this is an example of where the Ontario school system has FAILED me, since one would expect I would be at least placed in level 2 with 10 years of French. But I can congucate verbs perfectly. I think that is all they taught me.

Je Suis

Te Es

Il Est


It's like 4 hours a week, but I might see if after a few weeks I can move the level up. And I have to find out if I can receive a credit for it since it is not at the university but a language institue. hmmm... hope so!

And should I also take Spanish?? Since I plan to travel in Spain for a few weeks and teach in South America for at least 6 months after I graduate.

THese are the questions I have been asking myself.

K must go, can't let rice burn.

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