Saturday, September 15, 2007


Belgium has an incredible amount of beaurocracy. Everything requires a form, or 12.
I don't even understand how to register for classes because ..well...its confusing and half of it is in Flemish and its a different country g-dammit!

I went shopping at a second hand store today. It was awesome! I got a blowdryer for 4 euro and a bunch of bowls and plates and curtains. I also bought a filthy, tiny, spongy mattress thing to put on top of my rock of a mattress. I had to carry it through the centre of town for like 20 min. until my building. It had this green checkered sheet all over it. It probably has spiders living in it and I have no idea how to clean it. The store was called SPIT btw. Appropriate.

Then I went grocery shopping. I'm spending wayyyy to much money here. My phone ran out of min. in like, 3 days so I'm unable to call anyone. And I'm supposed to go to Antwerp tmrw with Christian Singapore boy and Pretty Polish girl so I don't know how I am going to contact them. Tres annyoing. All the 'night shops', aka convenicnes stores run by Indians, dont have the type of reloading card I need.

I met Cute Czech boy in the kitchen along with this girl from Iran ( I don't have a name for her yet). I think they might be sleeping together even though Cute Czech boy is like a million times hotter. He also made fun of my microwavable food and told me there is a Czech saying that women who can't good won't make good wives.

Well...that is what housekeepers are for in North America.

I'm kind of bored acutally. I don't know too many ppl and Belgians aren't exactly the warmest ppl, so I don't have ppl to party with yet. I was walking past groups of loud North Americans though so I know there are some in the city. I think I'm going to go to the international lounge on monday and make some new friends.

I have SO MANY holidays it is ridiculous. I actually don't know when Belgians works. I have like 2 months off and a zillion long wknds. I don't really believe school exists here.

I realized I have had FIVE months off since I was last in school. And I have done fuck all with that time. It is bugging me like crazy. I could have learned a language during that time! Oh well, I guess everyone has 'write off' time. And this summer also sucked major ass. I'm beyond ready for my life to get busy again!

So I'm going to start tmrw, if I ever get to Antwerp.

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