Saturday, September 29, 2007

Rain, Rain Go Away

Remember that rhyme? I wonder if people in Belgium ever say it. Maybe that would help!!

I bought a super duper raincoat from this great store "Hema" which I compare to H&M (basically because it has an "H' and an "M" in it's name) but it has even cheaper things!! There is a pic of me in this super duper raincoat below, walking home in 5 inch heels at 5:15 am.

Have you ever walked on cobblestone in 5 inch heels? In the rain? At 5:15 am? No? You should try it, it makes for great fun.

I can't even remember the last few days. All I can vaguley remember is glasses filled with amber liquid, wetness, more amber liquid and my pillow.

I actually woke up at 4:30 pm yesterday. I suck.

Good thing I'm a picture whore, otherwise I would have NO idea what I did the night before.

The Canadians and Joanna-Gallagher-Look-Alike played a game of 'never have I ever". Which went on until 4 am. And then we decided to go to the Oude Markt! (A square where all the bars are. Like the Byward Market. Only BARS DON'T CLOSE)

We first went to this reallllly sketchy place in a basement. You had to walk down slippery, stone steps. It was basically a dungeon. Then we upgraded and went to a bar where they literally played....

Tina Turner.

I felt like I was stuck in 1978. And I wasn't even born then. Me, Christina and Joanna-Gallagher-Look-Alike were literally the only girls in there. But in Europe they don't dance like North Americans. Aka they don't grind disgutingly and grope random people. They like gino beats, and the guys dance accordingly. Except here it is authentic gino beats, so it is acceptable.

On Friday the entire town empties out, since all the Belgians go home. So it was pretty quiet. There ended up being like a table, which was added on to a table, added on to another table, until there was a snake of tables in the markt just full of international students. I have some great quotes from a Portugese guy. Let me just say that I am sure that this does not represent ALL Portugese people. But since this was the only Portugese person I have ever met...

"We are born Macho in Portugal"

"We don't have Gay people in Portugal"

"We are born with chest hair in Portugal"

" I can always tell a Spanish girl from a Portugese Girl. A Spanish girl has nice hips. Sometimes a Portugese girl does to. But not like Spanish girls"

K my brain is filled with beer and waffles. I will write another post later when I can focus. I am going to TRY not to drink tonight. Instead I will watch 'Euro Trip'. Because I am on a euro trip. Get it? hahah

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Biblical Hebrew

I missed my class this morning. I think it is all the beer, it just makes me have such good sleeps.

So I went to my Biblical Hebrew class.

Yes, I know, I took Hebrew 3 hours a day from grades 1-5, but 6 months after I dropped out, I forgot how to read, write and speak it. I know ppl don't believe this, but it is true and the only sentence I remember is "I no speak Hebrew because my school was english"

I'm also thinking of doing a masters in The Bible and Near Eastern civilizations and you need to be able to read/understand Biblical Hebrew for that, which is different from modern Hebrew anyways.

I took one Biblical Hebrew year in grade five and I HATED it. So I am hoping after the passing of 10 years I am ready to take it on again.

I feel like after a month it will (hopefully!) all come back to me again.

So I walked into the theology building and sat down. This was a masters seminar, there was maybe 10 ppl in the class consisting of a Priest, A girl from Poland, Lithuania, Germany, Ireland, etc. I was the only North American. And I was the only one in a mini skirt and a swirly pink and green notebook. I feel like every time I enter a class I have to be like 'no..really, I promise you I'm not an idiot"

Then I went to go find a cola machine (which they didn't have)
when I returned, there were two clearly American boys sitting beside me.

Hmmmm...who would be crazy enough to take a Biblical Hebrew Masters seminiar if you were in a bachelor program in North American?

1. Me
2. Jews who can already read Hebrew and want an easy A

Then I thought, no, they can't be Jewish. I am the only Jew in the town. And they are blondish. But maybe they are... So went the volleyball in my mind.

The teacher explained to us our homework which consisted of writing each letter of the alphabet (get it..Alef, Bet??) filling up 2 lines of notebook paper.

In Toronto I have notebooks full of that exact same exercise...from when I was 7. But at this point I honestly cannot even remember the entire alphabet, so it will be usefull.

We are using a website '' aka...a Jews for Jesus website that explains the language. Why do the Jews not have a helpful website like that??? Step it up Israelites.

After class the Jew-Boy asked me what part of Canada I was from. Aha! He was Jewish.
It turns out he knows Toronto because he goes to Jew Camp in Canada and all of his friends are there. We played a pleasant round of Jewish geography, a game I have sorely missed.

We all ended up having lunch and they told me there are SIXTEEN more Jews on their exchange program!!!!!!

And yet...I was the only student from Leuven on the high holidays?? Again...Israelites...step it up!

It really is refreshing to talk to Jews. There is a different rythum. Basically everyone speaks really fast, interrupts each other, there are many hang gestures and no one takes offense.

Tonight is a thursday night...which I have heard..means...crazy party night in Dutch because most students go home to their fam on the wknds.

So I will update trmw on how tonight is.

And I am off to French-level one!

(it really is like first grade again)


I had a run-in with Helpful Belgian this morning in the co-ed showers. I was wearing my giant towel with Candian flags all over it (I'm very patriotic) and he was wearing..a tiny white towel only around his bottom half. I think he has a girlfriend, but he is still cute and super helpful, aka he has fixed my sink, put up my curtains, given me a internet cord. That's his job though, as the floor leader, so no special treatment (unfortunately) His girlfriend is one of those skinny Belgians with lanky blonde hair. Not fake, perky, American blondes, with french nails and super white teeth, but true, simple, watered down, natural, sweet contintental euro-blonde. The shower run-in, while being awkward (for my North American sensibilities), was probably perfectly natural for him.

And I reallllllly hope he never discovers this blog.

Some euro's have been reading it and I keep having to like delete and edit posts that are obviously about them.

I naturally slept through my class.

Then I went to my afternoon one, where Christina gave me a Dutch Phrasebook Cd, so I can at least learn the basics. The professor walked in and my reaction was "Is THAT the professor?" I thought I was Drew Barrymore in "Never Been Kissed". He looked like a Dutch version of that guy! There are only two reasons I plan not to drop that class, and that is the second one. The first one is the time slot. (I refuse to take classes on Monday or Friday)

Then Joanna-Gallagher-Look-Alike walked in and turned to me "Is that the Professor?" Enough said.

I think I have been drinking to much.

Every single day I find myself consuming some sort of alcohol, mostly beer, but sometimes wine. I haven't had anything hard yet. By the end of this year I am going to find myself with a huge beer belly.

Finally my psuedo-residence had a sort of get together where we played ice breakers (while drinking of course). We had stand on chairs and then line ourselves up alpabetically , while never touching the ground. It involved a lot of groping of other people. I was the last chair and had to get across 40 people to the third chair. And then my shoe fell off.

This Italian girl on my floor and me where talking, and it was like looking into a mirror. Not actually, but there were so many similarties. No wonder everyone who has never met a Jew thinks I look Italian. I think I am going to spend a night here and just pretend I am from Italy. It is an uncanny resemblence between me and all the Italians I have met so far. Okay, well I can tell the difference between a Jew and Italian, but, I think when Rome sacked Jerusalem, they took some captives if ya know what I mean.

Then me, Carleton Candians, and Joanna-Gallagher-Look-Alike, went out. We started out at a classy bar, then moved to a club thing. Then a Holland girl knew of a like secret party above the club. So we followed this sketchy route up the stairs and around coridors until we reached the room of the Holland club. Boys where actually wearing Holland sashes, but Joanna-Gallagher-Look-Alike asked them if it was the Irish flag. I'm not sure if they liked that too much. There is a picture of the mural of the wall on this page. It is a picture of Dionysis, the Roman g-d of wine. I remember from the Roman history class I never went too, that there was a cult, The Bacchi,(sp?) that had orgies until they got banned from Rome. Someone correct me if I am wrong..

Then...the best part of the whole night..possibly of the whole week....

I rode side saddle on the back of the bicycle.

I am becoming a true Dutch Girl.

Everyone was going to the engineering faculty bar, and I didn't bring my bike. So this Dutch girl casually suggested I just hope on the back of hers.

Well....ok then.

The third time I tried, I did it! (after losing my shoe the first)

I wiiiish I had a picture, but hoepfully I will do it again.
There is a grate thing on the back of bycicles and while the person is riding, the other person has to literally jump on sideways.

The engineering party was all male. Basically. They played music exclusively from 1998. (Mumbo number 5, anyone?)

The beer was 90 cents. yes...90 CENTS!!!! How low can it go???'

The bathrooms were co-ed. As usual , the sink for washing hands was beside the urinals. And men were actually using them. The door was also open. I walked in with my hands half covering my eyes as usual until this random guy like guided me through and then started yelling to me about canada.

I don't think I will ever understand these unisex bathrooms. Like seriously, in Europe shitting is a privallege not a right.

Then I went home for my 9 am class....which I never made it too of course.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Je M'appelle bored Canadian

Wahoo, finally.

I was out late last night at 'Discount Club Ramba" with various nationalities, most noted among them, hot Italian boys.

So naturally I was late for my first class. It was Philosophical Anthropology. The classroom is kind of dingy, but there is a vending machine for 60 cents coffee. I tried to get hot chocolate 'Choco Cafe" but it ended up being some sort of coffee. This is why I need to learn Dutch!

I walked in late and they have those desks which are attached to the chairs. It was quite difficult fitting my ass in 19th century chairs. You have to be anorexic. Until I learned that they are supposed to be lifted so you can fit in them. Just call me Klutzo Kubes. Don't though...maybe I should delete that nickname...

It was cool, we get to learn about Darwanism. I think it is a keeper.

I fixed my bank card. The lady was as usual rude, but I stole a handful of mints so it makes up for it. She saw and gave me a dirty look. Or maybe that is just her 'have a nice day look'. So hard to tell here.

I was kind of getting sick of my daily meal of spagetti so I tried to cook. It didn't really work out. Okay, well I didn't try to cook, I made some frozen veggies, trying to get in my 5 a day and poured some plum sauce and olive oil over them. Then I microwaved some Asian soup that I thought was noodles. It is really a guessing game with food preperation here, I just kind of have to wing it and stare at the pictures.

At 7 I had my French class at the language institute. I was placed in level 1. I was the only North American. PPl were from like 16 diff countries, lots from Asia and Eastern Europe. THe whole class was a re-cap of grades sk-9.

"Hello my name is... I am from...I am married...I have two children"

Two hours....of that. I will only ask to be moved up a little when I can say " This French is too easy, Can I please move up a level?"

Of course, when I left the building at 9 it was pouuurrring. Try cycling home in the dark, as it is pouring, in a mini skirt. I dare you. I got home and my curtains fell off, so I got Cute Czech boy to fix them. Also, Silent Holland moved it. I met him my first day waiting outside for the landlord. He's adorable, but kind of silent, he just smiles a lot and when he talks it is slow. He prolly has no idea what I'm saying to him.

Monday, September 24, 2007

What happens when Christians run banks

It just doesn't work.

So I finally picked up by debit card, 2-5 days after I opened a bank account.

It was kind of embarrasing, you can't get in the bank unless you have a card to slide in that thingi, otherwise you have to press the intercom. So I kept pressing it and pulling at the door but it wouldn't open. Until a well-dressed man in his 30's sailed by me and pushed it open.

Whatever. I'm a foreigner.

I tried to do online banking tonight and it was a disaster. My card ended up being blocked online. I called customer service and they said I have to go back in the bank to fix it. I'm going to have to plan half my day around that, since it is really only open 4 hours day.

You have to stick you card in a calculator thingi, shown at bottom, everytime you do online banking. Then you have to type in 'the challenge' which is a bunch of numbers shown online, then your pin and then it gives you a 'response' which you type in online, and only then will it let you do banking.

Of course I fucked it up. And I am pissssed.

I'm not really sure to get my money over here from Canada, I think the only way to do it is to wire it for like 30$ which sucks ass.

Today was the philosphy orientation.

Me and some others ended up getting suck in this speech, that may have been welcoming the class or a graduation speech from last year. I have no idea.

He started off with English to lull us into a false sense of security, and after one sentence switched to Dutch for the next 40 minitues.

There are 116 ceiling tiles in the room, by the way.

But at least Jesus was watching over me. Jesus watches over me in every building on campus. He looks pretty hungry though. He was about 10 feet big on the wall, with golden hair. Not very semetic looking if you ask me.

Then we had some free booze and chilled with other philo students. I met a Joanna Gallagher Look Alike again, who was wearing glittery ruby red flats like Dorothy.

The other philosophy students...all like..100 of then (I'd like to add the Law faculty has over 3000) are interesting. Kind of. I will see more once class starts tmrw.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

In flanders Fields

Today I went on a cycling adventure. Since it is sunday, the holy day, and you cannot even shit on sunday, it was the only thing I could really do.

I just wanted to go to the park, but naturally I got lost and ended up 7 km from Leuven. It was great. I got fresh air, I felt very country chic on my euro bicycle ( not one of those mountain bikes I have at home). I rode through trails, on highways, in pastures etc.

I had no idea where I was going. Literaly no idea, but everytime I saw a biker, I just kind of followed them or went where they came from. Once I went up into a cow field, but I think that was illegal. Cows are really awesome. I have never seen one up close, except for maybe once. Or maybe they were bulls. Well, some where black and some where white. They were just chilling. It looked like a tableau.

I ended up in this small town in g-d knows where and this bar was open so I ordered a diet coke. Pardon me, a 'coke light' aka the fake coke that they serve here. But at least it was in a glass bottle and not a plastic bottle. I hate coke in plastic bottles. It ruins the flavour. (and by flavour I mean the water, absorbic acid and aspartame)

Then I stumbled upon a cemetery behind a church. It said it was a commonwealth cemetery, but I'm not really sure what that means exactly. All the graves looked Belgian.

I managed to get back to Leuven and got some yummy hazelnut chocolate.

I think I might cycle to Brussels one day, it is only 26 km away and it looks pretty flat.

Then I had a chocolate covered banana at the fair. Every year since 891, there has been a fair in town. Thats has something to do with the war between the Vikings and the Franks and the blood blocked the river. So obviously there must be festivities to celebrate this.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


And atone I did.

Except for breaking all the laws by using money, my cell phone, electricity and the train.....

I went to Brussels again by Kol Nidre. It takes me about an hour to get to the shul all in all. Not bad, it took me an hour to go to work every day at the CNE (Beverley Hill Windows and Door-call for a free estimate)

It was okay. I tried to fill up before the fast at this cute veggie restaurant. Except salad it turns out doesn't fill you up so much...

I had lost my cell phone of course, so I couldn't call the nice lady I had met on Rosh Hashanah, but I hoped I would see her there.

So there I was, off the train waiting for Tram 23, when across the tracks sat this girl.

"She could be Jewish' I thought, in her tweed suit and straight dark brown hair.

"That would be so funny if she were to end up at the same shul that I was."

"Oh, only dreams. There is defintely no Jew waiting in the same tram station that I am. It is only wishful thinking."

I SWEAR I was thinking this.
So I got on the train, and that girl sat beside me. After a few stops I asked her what stop we were at, in English, and though she looked a little surprised, she answered in perfect English.

"How great here", I though, "that everyone speaks such good English".

Then we both got off at Churchhill stop. Then walked for a block in the same direction. Then turned on the same street. Finally she told me she wasn't following me.

I answered hestitantely, not really believing it was possible:

" Are you..going..down the..."
"Synagouge?" she finished.

It was a Yom Kippur Miracle! A Jew had sat beside me on the Tram on the way to the same shul!

She's a journalist from New York in Brussels for a while. Hence the good English.

So we sat beside each other during Kol Nidre, but forgot to exchange numbers.

The nice lady I met at Rosh Hashanah drove me all the way home which was super nice of her.

Today I was supposed to meet her at her house, halfway to Brussels and asscesible by bus. Of course, ( I ALWAYS do something like this, it doesn't even upset me anymore. I have learned always to have a plan B) I had checked the weekday schedule, not the 'Zaterdag' one, so I missed the bus by FOUR minuites. Ridiculous eh.

So I took the train, NOT thinking about food. Esp. when I passed a chocolate shop, a grocery store, and vending machines galore. Normally, I wouldn't think about food. But because I couldn't think about food...of course it was all I thought about.

I have been to Brussels about four times now and have NEVER seen the city. I just go straight to my destination and back. Someday I will tour it.

I went to the shul (aka a room rented out in a country club) and did the service. I took a break at about 3 ish. The sun was shining and it was great. I watched Eurocrats play squash for an hour or so, talking with other' Young Professionals". It really is a great networking place, there was even a really nice guy from the Wall Street Journal. I was a little crabby from not food, so I wasn't the best company.

Then the nice lady took me all the way to Leuven again. Her children are ridiculously well behaved. Like the girl is maybe 3 and she asked her brother "May I please see that telephone."

So I cycled home from the train station (about 10 minutes) and crawled into bed and read a Nora Roberts novel I stole from the American Residence across the complex. Then I kind of passed out for several hours and I awoke 2 min. after the fast ended.

I ran to the kitchen, barley awake, shoving random food into my mouth, then went out.

I was going to go to Mcdonalds, but didn't want to break Kashrut sooo easily. So I chose a falafel place with really crappy fake middle eastern falafel. But I ran into Christian Singapore and all his Singapore friends who were visiting. It was an enlightning conversation to say the least. Here is what I found out about Singapore.

1. Consumption of Gum is not illegal, but selling it is

2. They will hang you (not publicly, I asked) if they catch you with a very small amount of most drugs

3. The whole country has free wireless

4. Their first language is English, even though they have four other official languages

5. They don't have free press

6. It is illegal to walk around naked in your home

7. They have had the same government (which is not like the Taliban, though it may sound like it) since the country began.

8. They smuggle gum in from Malaysia

See how much I am learning about the world??

I also got a great response and I shoveled food into my mouth after a 25 hour fast.

'Is it Yom Kippur? I saw that on

Thank you HBO for enlighting the whole world!

Then I went out for drinks with the Carleton Crew and Blonde Norweigan, who I believe will play a big role in posts to come.

Nacht Winkel Wine

I bought my phone with great sorrow today. I was hoping it would turn up, but no such luck. I went to the phone house and got the standard student phone. Literally...every foreign person in Belgium has this phone. It is a black Sony Ericsson for 50 euro (the second cheapest in the store.) I think the sales guy reccomends it to everyone.

Tonight was the International Orientation Party.

I walk so much in this town, it is ridiculous. The whole place is only 2 km diametre (it is a circle) but I always go to meet ppl at the clock tower and the place we inevitabely end up is near my room on sheep street. (aka Schapenstraat pronounced Shcr-aap- en-straat, which I hope to master in 8 months). We ended up in the American residence which was gorgous, though it smelt of paint. Pretty Polish girl and Christian Singapore went with these Irish girls, who no joke looked like a fuller version of Joanna Gallagher. I wanted to take a picture. They were wearing heels on the cobblestone-no small feat.

When we went to the American residence, it was so modern. It has these giant dramatic wooden doors with a huge knocker, so common in Europe, but only seen in North America in Disney's Beauty and the Beast. They even had a dishwasher!!!!! Me, P.P and her 18 year old Flemish roomate when to a "nacht Winkel' which are convenience shops only open at night and all run by Indians. They of course have alchohol, so we got a bottle of wine for 4 euro and some plastic cups and went at it. I thought it was good, but that feeling wasn't shared by all.

We went to the party which was held in the huge room. All the coats were artistically on display in the support beams. Look for picture below.

It started at 10 and by 12 there were tonnes of ppl. There are about 500 international ppl and there were at least that many ppl there. The music was great, a lot of Spanish music. And I saw the Spanish Chico's again.

Actually I got a RANDOM phone call earlier that night where someone called me and said "Olllaa" and asked for "Vincente"...hmmm..nope, not me. It turns out it was Raul calling the wrong number. I wouldn't mind answering to 'ola' though, a refreshing change from 'Whats up".

You could get 5 beers for 7.50 euro, a little bit expensive, by about 20 cents. OF course in CDN you would only be able to buy 2 drinks for that money, but my standards are higher now. But you couldn't just buy one had to buy 5...which is why later in the night I saw a guy who was so drunk he literally dumped his entire drink on the floor. For no reason. Guess he just felt like it.

There is a picture of him walking through it after. The floor was sooo sticky everywhere.

It was a good time, kind of a club atmosphere. I heard the party went to 5 and then there was an after-party. Because , of course, bars close when the last person leaves.

I left at about 1:45 though, the loser Canadian that I am.

The highlight of the evening definitely came when I saw two ppl purchasing a condom at the outdoor condom machine.....and then asking us for change..and Pretty Polish girl actually giving them change.

Then I got Frites for snack, covered in Mayo. Quite delish. To tell you the truth I felt a bit like puking halfway through.

Not a Kike like me

E-wall showed me this video on youtube with that name, and I think it fits this blog. Kind of....only not really. I just like the offensive name.

So I was in the kitchen making my usual spagetti when the Adorable Chinese lady asked me why I am a vegitarian. I rude are ppl? Like how many reasons are there to be veggitarian? Obviously because you think there's something wrong with eating animals.

"Well" I said "I kind of have dietary laws"

"Why?" she asked.

"Well, ya know, for my religion" I said hoping the questioning would stop there.

"What religion?" she asked oh so innocently

"ummm..." I continued reluctentely..."I'm........Jewish"
She literally starting jumping up and down

I have never seen anyone so excited to meet a Jew before. I promised her that I was telling the truth. She felt the need to tell me that Chinese ppl thought Jews were the most educated ppl. Yea..I knew where this was heading. I always try to deny this so called intellectual capability because it always leads to one place.

"We also say that in American, the money of merchants goes into the pockets of the Jews"

and then she started giggling.

Uh huh, heard it all before lady.

But I told her to keep it on the download, esp. from the Iranian girls.

I'm so sick of answering questions about Kashrut, holidays, I mean I'm not freakin Wikipedia. I have to explain Kashrut at least 5 times to each person before they actually get it. And then they don't even really get it. And the shocked looks I get when I start talking about the Shabbat laws...okay ppl, yes...Jews are an ancient religion and we still have rituals that Christianity has long abolished, don't act so shocked.

Adorable Chinese lady kept being like 'really? Really? your a Jew! I'm taking Hebrew classes!" She was super cute about it. Except for the merchant comment. But now at least I know the views of Christians from rural China...pretty tame actually.

But now I found out about hebrew classes which means I get to take Biblical Hebrew!!

Which I'm actually excited about it...even though when I took it at age 10 it was like hardest Hebrew I have ever done...maybe it will be easier this time around...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Sorry Po Po's

Today was Orientation. I slept in of course and when I got there they were doing their club fair.

I saw some great clubs, like the club that listed Palestine as a country.

I think I might write for the International Magazine thing, called the Voice. They had some hilarious articles in there. And we all know how funny I am. In a bad way. Like the time when I slipped down 3 flights of stairs on the toes of my 6 inch heels and then gracefully fell into a heap while 30 students watched.

Anyways, so I went and looked around. I saw the Carleton Canadians again. We met some other Philosophy students and everyone was very exclusive as usual. There was one not-ugly guy....and a lesbian, but she wasn't hot. So far there are only 3 philosophy girls.

I stole a bunch of stuff from the refreshment table. I stole bags of tea, biscuits and then later in the day I stole a litre of Orange Juice. I am trying to live cheaply.

Then I had an appt at city hall, but I had to get passport pictures. So I cycled to the train station and spent my last 5 euro in a photo booth. :(

Then I browsed at some stores because I had time to kill.

Then I went to go get my 'residence permit'. You would not believe the amount of paperwork I have. Everything is SUPER official and I just keep getting sent around to office to office.

So I was pretty hungry and decided to get some famous Frites on the way to city hall, which I had no idea where it was.

So there I was cycling along, in my brown slouchy boots over my sevens with a grey mens am ap cardigan, looking pretty damn innocent, when a man in a blue uniform with POLITIE on it puts out his hand and motions for me to pull over.

I was wondering maybe if this was like someone who dressed up like a police officer to rob me (There was an article about that in Glamour), but I saw his gun, so I did what he said.

The conversation went like this:

Me: um..I only speak English
PoPo: Where are you from?
Me: Canada
PoPo: Can I see your passport?
Me: Why do you want to see my passport?

[aside] It is NOT normal for random officers to see your passport! And the only reason I had it on me was because I was on my way to city hall. What do they do if you don't have a passport?. I was getting a little bit scared now...

PoPo: Come. [and then he motioned towards his truck. omg! Is he going to actually arest me?What did I do?? My cell phone, now this?! I gave him my passport]

PoPo: This is a one way street. You do not have one way streets in Canada?

Me: Not for bicycles.

PoPo: Didn't you see the sign?

Me: I can't read the sign.

[he starts walking further away, I follow]

Me: Can I lock my bike?

PoPo: Just come

[he marches until the end of the street and points to a sign which is a giant red circle with a white line through it]

PoPo: What is this is your country?

Me: Um...Yield? [frantically thinking back to my G1 test]

Me: Our one way signs say 'one way'

[ he takes me back to his his vehicle and shows me a form.]

PoPo: Next time you will be charged this amount.[ writes on the paper 150 euro]

Me: I really wasn't aware that it was this serious. It is not like that in Canada. Do you know where city hall is?

So then I went to city hall, slightly tramatized.

I had my pile of forms, and what they do is they actually send a police officer to your house to make sure you are living where you say you are, so you don't get your identity card for like 6 weeks.

Then I went to the bank. These banks are weird. Theres no tellers, just 2 desks and offices. And there is 2 doors. And the other door won't open until the first closes.
Like big security. The girl couldn't believe in Canada there are tellers lined up.

It took like an hour to open my bank account and I haven't figured out how to transfer my money from Canada for minimal fees yet.

So at the end the girl slides over what I think is a calculator. So I think 'cute, a free gift, I already have a calculator, but whatever.' but it won't turn on. And then she explains that it is like a card slot and you put your card in every time you log on to do internet banking and it give you like a special 'challenge' that you have to type on the computer. Soooo weired and annoying and typcially Belgian.

Then I went to go meet Cute Czech boy so we could go together for the walking tour of Belgium, but he didn't show up! So I went myself and ran into Younger Prince Charles, Adam, Chris and Topshop girl, a girl I met at the party last night and who is really fun. So I did the 2 hour walking tour on cobblestone in my heels. NOT fun. Also with a broken toe.

But I saw some interesting things. There is a village, for instance, from the 14th century which rich merchants built to house their daughters whom they didn't want to pay the dowry for. It's the oldest and biggest one in the world. Now it is the best student housing in town.

I saw the library which burnt down in WW2 and the Americans basically rebuilt it.

Actually half the town burnt down in WW2, which is so sad and unnecessary, but they rebuilt it in the old style. So buildings that you think are centuries old are really only like 60 years old. Damn Germans. The guy giving the walking tour was German and he kept having to blame the Germans. It was funny. Kind of.

And I am about to go to a Philosophy faculty party. We all know how philosophers like to party!

Ps: Everyone I tell that I'm in Philosophy is like 'wow' and I'm like..really? Wow? Why? and their like 'its supposed to be really good here' and im like 'sweet.'

So now I can be pretentious and be like..'thats right..I went to the Catholic University of Leuven for Philosophy."

And I can be pretentious like that as I flip burgers at Mcdonalds.

I'm not American

So Remember how I said things are going slow? They have definitely picked up. Like a lot.

Yesterday was slow, whatever, I went for hot chocolate with Christian Singapore boy and Pretty Polish girl and then C.S came by to see my room, where we noticed a party was going on in the building across from me. I live in the square complex and in the middle is a garden and bike racks and stuff. So obviously I decided to go. I know a lot of Americans live in the building across and I wanted to meet some of them.

When we went, not knowing anyone, it was pretty slow, but of course being a party it picked up immensely. People who leave parties when things are slow don't know how to have a good time, it takes a while for ppl to loosen up. So C.S left and I was left alone where I promptly met Perky Northeastern and Younger Prince Charles.

Did I mention how much I love British boys?

It turned into a Canadian style house party basically with cheap beer, a music video channel on and long lines for the bathroom.

Perky Northeastern is this pretty redhead from conneticut. She is very talkative and likes to pronounce names the Dutch way. I would say Bruge like 'Broo-ge" but she says 'Broo-ha" because 'J' 's are really 'H' 's or something. But she didn't even do it in a pretentious way...quite a skill, I would have sounded like a 'daft fool'.

Younger Prince Charles, someone Cute Czech boy named,is a Brit, he's nice. And British. That's pretty much it.

And he, along with everyone else at the party kept asking me questions of American and then being lie 'OMG I am SO sorry'. um better be sorry. I'm not fucking American okay. That's how I know I'm Canadian :)

Cute Czech boy came and thanked me for dragging him to the party and then proceeded to have an intense convo with Perky Northeastern. I thought they were going to hook up but then he randomly mentioned his GF to me. So I guess not. But it was looking like a cute Euro romance for a while.

I also had a long convo with International Jailbait. This guy who has lived in like Switzerland, and Hungary and had a very chic scarf on, like only Euro's can pull off. He is shockingly 17. Very mature though, Je Tres impressed.

Younger Prince Charles gave me a beer called Jupiler. I think it is the one they serve at Mcdonalds here. It comes in a red can and is supposed to be really bad. But I think its fine. Whatever dude it does the job. And I heard International Jailbait say that Carlesberg was awful too. Why? I have no idea. All tastes like stale piss to me.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


My rice is cooking so I will make this a short post.

They don't sell Teryaki sauce in grocery stores and couscous is very expensive. I think coming from Toronto I have international tastebuds that the Belgians are missing.

Every time I'm in the kitchen there are only ethnic ppl there. Never Flemish one's. The Iranians are cooking thier rice and rasins, the Czech boy his meet, the Chinese girl her noodles and me her spagetti. Except today I am going to be cooking rice.

School hasn't started yet, but I can't wait till it does and things pick up around here. Things move at a veeerrry slow pace. I am learning not to multi=task because I actually do have enough time to do one thing at one time and not 7 at once.

I signed up for French classes today and the placement test put me level one. I'd like to add I have taken French from ages 4-14. But obviously this is an example of where the Ontario school system has FAILED me, since one would expect I would be at least placed in level 2 with 10 years of French. But I can congucate verbs perfectly. I think that is all they taught me.

Je Suis

Te Es

Il Est


It's like 4 hours a week, but I might see if after a few weeks I can move the level up. And I have to find out if I can receive a credit for it since it is not at the university but a language institue. hmmm... hope so!

And should I also take Spanish?? Since I plan to travel in Spain for a few weeks and teach in South America for at least 6 months after I graduate.

THese are the questions I have been asking myself.

K must go, can't let rice burn.

Monday, September 17, 2007

If Razr found please return

Today was the first day it rained.

It started out fine, I went to go get a bike. Of course, I was too short for all of them, but I ended up with a really nice, silver one. It was scary riding at first and I was so high up off the ground, but it ended up good.

I got my course selection straightened out.

I went to go get more min. for my phone, get a bank account, see what H&M had to offer.

I ran into the HUMS group in the grocery store and I plan to go over to their place, which is apparantly amazing, tonight.

Then things started to get messy.

It started to rain. The phone store had a ridiculous line-up as always. So I walked out, hopped on my bike (in my t-shirt) and then proceded to fall down the street (not off my bike) it was kind of like a slide down the block.

It hurt and wasn't fun. And the chain fell off the chain hook thingi.

Things were not looking good.

It was raining, I was in my t-shirt, my ass was soaking, and my bike didn't work.

Then I saw another phone store with a short line-up a few hundred metres away. So I decided to go there, locked my bike up and walked in.

Then I realized I didn't have my phone.


My Silver Motorola Razr was missing!

Danielle was not a happy camper.

I searched up and down the street for like an hour, but I couldn't find it.

Either someone stole it or it fell off when I did my bike gymnastics,. It was attached to my jean waistband with a leather holder thingi.

I was extremely upset. After writing down my e-mails in the phone stores in case someone dropped it off (Still praying!) I set about fixing my bike.

Now, you wouldn't think that a girl in 285$ jeans (I bought them on sale for 75$ though) who cried over losing her cell phone could fix a bike right?

Well you would be wrong. Because after being covered in bike grease, crouching in the rain, with my black pashmina scarf wrapped around my head, I fixed it and rode off.

Of course no nice Belgian asked me if they could help in my bike ,that would entail then actually being friendly.

I then crossed all of my errands and decided to spend the rest of the afternoon eating chocolate and watching Grey's Anatomy.

I went to go make some lunch in the kicthen, in my Canadian -Camp style comfort sweats and the Chinese lady there was very nice. She told me some Chinese sayings, like if something bad happens now, something good will happen later. Or if a diaster was going to happen, instead something bad happened. Or something.

She's cool. Shes doing her degree in theology and from a villiage in China and 35 and has lived here for 4 years.

The only people I ever see in the kitchen is this girl from Iran, who is always making rice and raisins, Cute Czech boy who I have never seen eat, and me who is always making like microwave food or pasta or something. Flemish ppl actually don't cook. They just eat out all the time I guess.

Once when I went to Israel, this girl left her wallet in the bathroom and when she remembered she had left it there, she lost a huge amount. Someone stole like 400 or 1000 euros. I just have to put things in perspective. I can get a new phone. It is just such a hassle and is so expensive. Ahh

Losing my phone is like losing my friend. My single, lovely, dependable friend. The friend who always stood by me, was their when I need her, as long as I treated her right with a long charge. She was so sleek, was my everything. She was my clock, my connection to everyone, my acessory. And now she's gone.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Things I have noticed about Belige.

1. They are obessed with food.

Like seriously. There are zillions of restaurants. When you think it is a cafe, it is really a restaurant serving delish food. And they are always busy. There are a zillion cafes per street and they are all in good buisness. These ppl have an hour and a half for lunch every day.... they eat well. Their national pride is also based on food.
Frites, Chocolates, Beer, Waffles. What else does anyone know about Belgium? And these restaurants don't serve dinky food either. They are all at least 10$ per plate and are presented beautifully, always with extras.

But the most amazing thing of all? They aren't fat.......
The second most amazing thing of all? You aren't expected to tip!

2. Beer tastes different here.

Stella Artois is delish and smooth and goes down so nice here.

3. Beer is cheaper then Coffee.

You can get beer for 1.50 and coffee is usually 1.70.

4. Nobody serves or drinks tap water.

Apparantly the tap water is fine to drink. Then how come I have never seen a Belgian drinking it? They walk around with their Spa mineral water and they give you the dirtiest look if you ask for it in a cafe and then refuse to serve it. Also, I read in Lonely Planet that Belgium has like the most polluted water in Europe.

Pass the Evian please!

5. Old people are robust

This is a country full of old ppl. But healthy looking old ppl. Always 2 women or a women and a man. It is super cute! And they are all so wel dressed with their short white hair and beige slacks. And very mobile. I never see and old women with her daughter for instance. What keeps them so healthy? Maybe it is all the healhty food they consume, like frites, waffles, beer and chocolate. :P

6. Girls wear heels on cobblestone

Everyone is outfitted in these knee high boots with stockey heels. All I hear is'click clack'. They don't wear stilletos, but fat, short heels. still though..I never see running shoes. Even girls in high school. Their 'flats' even have a kitten heel. I mean...why bother. Boots are huge here, Thank goodness I bought some 2 fall seaons ago. Whew...that was a close call.

Chocolat et Beer dan Antwerp

So I went to Antwerp today. And even though Antwerp speaks Flemish, I don't care so I wrote the title of this blog in shitty French anyways. So sue me. A Flemish person probably would.

I start off by showering in the orange painted stall a mile away from my room. I was constantly staring at the ceiling wondering when the spiders would descend. And I refused to use the shower curtain (there was also a door) because these shower curtains acutally attack you. (don't you hate when shower curtains do that?..Does anyone know why?)

I was then late to meet Christian Singapore boy and Pretty Polish girl, but whatever, I'm always late. I bought a chocolate filled bread thingi, which started my day off appropriately. I took the hour train to Antwerp. I have this train thing which I bought for 45$ which gives me 10 trips anywhere in Belgium, and somethings they don't even check your ticket, so you can get an extra trip.

The train station in Antwerp is basically a site in itself. Its HUGE with GIGANTIC ceilings and of course, statues.

A question has been bugging me forever... How on earth did ppl build these structures with this HUGE ceilings? Even though they took like 100 years to build, still how on earth did they build it that high? And while I'm on did they build the Pyramids?

Anyways, we literally walked around Antwerp the entire day. My feet KILL.

The first thing we saw was DIAMONDS $$$. No Jewish ppl though. Inidans. According the the Bible, aka, "Lonely Planet: Belgium and Luxemborg", Indians are taking over the Diamond trade. Damn Asians taking over the world...

The Diamonds were stunning and they even sold small ones for as little as 150$, thats basically a pair of shoes here.

The next thing we saw was America. Seriously.

Beside 'Hotel Florida' was about four Mcdonalds and a Pizza Hut.

Then all of sudden, we found ourselves in the midst of a market. It was awesome. I LOVE markets. I like traveling just because of the markets. It wasn't the best market I have ever seen, but I didn't reall get a chance to look around. Basically, if it is a wknd, you can count on Belgium to have a market. I bought Tomatoes at a market a few days ago in Leuven and they are the BEST TOMATOES I HAVE EVER EATEN. Yum.

But I bought a Waffle in the Market! They don't smother it in syrup like we do with our ego waffles in North American. (Ego my Waffle, baby ;)..k that was gross I'll stop ) They just handed me this huge, cripy waffle for 1.70$ and dumped powered sugar everywhere (which got all over my pink Zara sweater) It was yummy. Crisp, but not hot. Hard to eat walking actually. I think I am going to get a small, rounded shape one next time.

We got lost, but eventually ended up at the "Grote Markt', which every city has with a gothic city hall that the entire town radiates from with confusing streets.

I must have past the Gothic Cathedral 6 times during th day. I was actually kinda sick of it.

We wandered around trying to find a cheap cafe and got some coffee. I tried to ask for esxpresso, but she gave me a full cup of coffee anyways. Maybe because I can't spell exspresso...

Then we went to the giant gothic cathedral ( I will post pictures.) Every 15 min or so it chimed like crazy. It was having a chime-spaz. Pretty Polish girl told me it was probably because it was telling ppl what time Mass was.

We went inside and there was an actual Church service going on, it being sunday. Greaaaat. The first thing I saw of course was a giant cross of Jesus, the most popular guy in Belgium. It was highly impressive of course, all these gothic buildings always are. Then we left because we couldn't enter the main hall until service was over.

So we walked and walked and walked around. We went to the waterfront and sat on a bench. Stared at the view. Which was actually really modern, boring, glass office buildings.

Then I saw a Castle. Lonely planet didn't mention this! (Okay it did, but not in detail) Apparently it got destroyed by the Vikings in the 9th century and was then rebuilt. I'm sure fire got it too, since fire seems to get every building here.

I could have entered it for free since I was under 19, but of course I was the youngest one (as always !:(:)) so whatevs. It was cool though, looked exactly like you imagine a small castle should, like Disney drew it. In front of it was the statue of this guy, that is supposed to be a Belgium version of a peeping tom. It was big and the Little people were looking up it's crotch. There will be a pic up of that soon too.

So we walked around and totally randomly turned into this street with this AMAZING church. This was defintely not menitoned in Lonely Planet and I think I might covert to rough guides after this error. There was this garden with a million statues and they were all these religious ppl in various positions, one was even holding a paper with Hebrew script on which I roughly translated as "Jesus,... King...". (7 years of 3 hours a day of Hebrew obviously paid off)

And then there were these stones...well I will just show a pic cuz it was awesome.

And then inside the FREE church (by donation!..I did donate although I'm not sure how pious of me it was to go inside all of these churched btwn Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur) The walls were lined with paintings (Rubens is worshipped by Antwerp since he grew up there) and literally every where you looked there were more amazing wooden statues. It was incredible.

I can see why ppl were religious if this was were they got to go to every wknd. Everything was very grand. LIke you can imagine how wealthy the rich must have been. We don't have anything like that in Canada. Like, we have Black Pioneer Village and these ppl have ART. Everywhere!

I think the Canadian gov't should start investing in art now. It is pretty much the only thing that lasts.

I then sampled some chocolat. Well, one chocolate for .68. It was OKAY but not like orgasmic like I have been hearing about. I tried one later in the day that was better, but still..not like 'OMG I ONLY WANT TO EAT THIS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE'. Not like the way I felt when I tried Marzipan Ruggelah. Which I condsidered making Aliyah for.

So the church was basically the highlight of the day.

I also tried "Trappist"beer. Which is apparantly this like super amazing beer made by monks and is really special and blah blah blah. Okay it is cool...because..ppl say it is cool. But I don't understand how ppl go crazy over it. It is defnitely an aquired taste. I tried the beer that was 9.2% alchol and it definitely was. It make me all woozy. But it tastes bitter, like crappy Canadian beer. Beer in Belgium, by the way, I swear tastes totally diff then Cdn one's. Esp. Stella Artois, it is so smooth and enjoyable. But in Canada I don't like it. But here it is delish. But this Trappist beer I will have to drink more of until I like it obviously. If you like beer you should really google Trappist beer, it is super duper special.

I just think it is cool because I think monks are super cool. Did I tell you I am living in a monastary? Cool? Yea...I know.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Belgium has an incredible amount of beaurocracy. Everything requires a form, or 12.
I don't even understand how to register for classes because ..well...its confusing and half of it is in Flemish and its a different country g-dammit!

I went shopping at a second hand store today. It was awesome! I got a blowdryer for 4 euro and a bunch of bowls and plates and curtains. I also bought a filthy, tiny, spongy mattress thing to put on top of my rock of a mattress. I had to carry it through the centre of town for like 20 min. until my building. It had this green checkered sheet all over it. It probably has spiders living in it and I have no idea how to clean it. The store was called SPIT btw. Appropriate.

Then I went grocery shopping. I'm spending wayyyy to much money here. My phone ran out of min. in like, 3 days so I'm unable to call anyone. And I'm supposed to go to Antwerp tmrw with Christian Singapore boy and Pretty Polish girl so I don't know how I am going to contact them. Tres annyoing. All the 'night shops', aka convenicnes stores run by Indians, dont have the type of reloading card I need.

I met Cute Czech boy in the kitchen along with this girl from Iran ( I don't have a name for her yet). I think they might be sleeping together even though Cute Czech boy is like a million times hotter. He also made fun of my microwavable food and told me there is a Czech saying that women who can't good won't make good wives.

Well...that is what housekeepers are for in North America.

I'm kind of bored acutally. I don't know too many ppl and Belgians aren't exactly the warmest ppl, so I don't have ppl to party with yet. I was walking past groups of loud North Americans though so I know there are some in the city. I think I'm going to go to the international lounge on monday and make some new friends.

I have SO MANY holidays it is ridiculous. I actually don't know when Belgians works. I have like 2 months off and a zillion long wknds. I don't really believe school exists here.

I realized I have had FIVE months off since I was last in school. And I have done fuck all with that time. It is bugging me like crazy. I could have learned a language during that time! Oh well, I guess everyone has 'write off' time. And this summer also sucked major ass. I'm beyond ready for my life to get busy again!

So I'm going to start tmrw, if I ever get to Antwerp.

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Only Jew

Naturally, being a Jew, I wanted to attend shul at least three times a year. So I went on the university website. I would like to add that Ku Leuven is the oldest Catholic University in the world (built in 1425!!) So I didn't exactly expect there to be a Jewish population. But hey, it was Belgium, the Jews own the Diamonds in Antwerp here, where it is apparantly the last Shtietl in Europe.

On the website there was details about a Univeristy Parish, and English speaking Parish, A Catholic Mass in Spanish, An Anglican congregation, and Evangelical congretation, an International Evangical congergation, two Mosques and then...

"In Leuven, Brussels and Antwerp there are Orthodox and Jewish communities."

but...Orthodox is not even Jewish is Christian Orthodox! So basically, if I want to 'do Jew' I better hope on a train.

My first day here was misleading. On the bus to the centre of town I swore I saw a window with SHALOM in it. So I got off the bus to check it out and it turns out that it was a Euro version of Jews for Jesus, that is possibly legitamte. It is Pentacostal or something. There were also Stars of Davids on a building, along with crosses, but that is also the fake Jews for Jesus.

So I was faced with a Dilema...

Rosh Hashanna was coming up and I had about one day to plan for it. I found a list of shuls on the net and called them. There were a bunch of orthodox shuls, but only one english one and it was Liberal, in Brussels.. Whatever, liberal..who know what that means..but I would deal. Beggars can't be choosers. So I called them up and I bargained a price of 40 Euros for both high holidays. What, they couldn't give a starving foriegn student free access to worship? umm...apparantly not. My new Asian, Christian friend, Kai, was shocked, as 'Churches are supposed to be a place of charity". Well, Synagogues are not.

I also told the lady that I didnt exactly like handling money on Rosh Hashana..she said she felt bad. Well..yea..I'm sure g-d feels bad too.

So After a bus, a train, a subway and walking, I finally arrived at the Royal Club Leopold and entered a room where about 30 ppl sat. I'd like to add that 6000 ppl are at my synagoge at home. So I did the service, or at least the end half since all the transportation took time. And then went to 'lunch', aka honey cake, gefilte fish and stale ruggelah. But they did have coke in glass bottles ( a novelty) and one semi-good looking boy around my age.

After standing by a poll for 25 min, ppl started talking to me and I met some other Jewish students and some very nice adults. I went to Tishlich with an Israeli and then some very nice Belgiuan adults said their house was halfway to Leuven and the bus stop was outside their house, so I went in their BMW. They had the most well-behaved kids I have ever seen in my entire life. They 5 year old offered me ice cubes for my drink...

I went to their home, which was basically a geourgeous house in the middle of nowhere. Although the wife was American, the husband was so Belgian. He was very nicely and cleanly dressed. They gave me the number of a Jewish, female, philosophy prof. in Leuven (maybe she will teach me?) and I took a bowl from them (hey, I'm a student) but declined fruit from their orchard...though I should have accepted.

They had horses in their backyard....amusing.

Then I took the bus back to Leuven, walked around town, had to go to the bathroom so went home. I couldn't use a public bathroom becuause they actually cost money.

Then I passed out at 8:oopm and woke up at 9:00 the next morning. Jet lag??


Wow okay, so SO much has happened in the past few days that I will start in chronological order in a few posts. Today is the first day I got internet. Lets start with the flight.

After checking in my 2 suitcases with a combined total of 125 LBS (and 50$ extra) , lugging them miles across the airport with a broken toe, eating a 9$ airport sandwhich, I finally got on my flight. I passed out on the flight, and flew to Chicago. USA airports have such good food! They have Starbucks, mckey D's, Manchu Wok, I'm not going to lie that Mcdonalds saved my life since I forgot to order a Kosher flight food. And yes, I realize the irony of eating the decidely non-kosher mcdonalds instead of non-kosher flight food, but the food on the plane is always ham and cheese, and mcdonalds isn't real meat anyways...

So I connected flights and after a long and boring flight where I slept with a pashmina shawl literally covering my entire head, looking like an insane Muslim, I arrived in Belgium!

So I got my bags, loaded them on trolleys (every airport I go to is more civilized then Pearson) and went to the train station. I paid my 3 euro for a train to Leuven and enlisted the help of an Italian girl to help me lift my suitcases onto the train. It wasn't easy, let me tell you. The senery for the 20 min. it took to go to Leuven from Brussels looked exactly like Canada, except the grass was a more vibrant green. From the train staion at Leuven I took a Cab to the Monastary where I was staying. Good thing I didn't take the bus since there was this giant hill (surronded by horses-I kid you not) where you had to walk up.

The cab driver REFUSED my tip..and that was when I knew I had entered a forign country.

As we drove, the WHITE cabbie (also a first) Said "Leuven is really small. Here is the centre of town." and literally one minute later "And here we are on the outskirts."

I checked in, removed the cross of Jesus from my wall, washed my hands and took the bus into town.

I was determined to find an appt. immediatly, so went to the housing office.

I didn't realize how FLEMISH Belgium acutally was. I kind of thought that it would be english-like, but EVERYTHING is in Flemish. Not even French, which I can kind of understand, but all the signs and labels are in Flemish which basically looks like this : Schronstraaatvensmaker.

I found the housing office after getting lost for an hour (Father Oblaten, the monk, gave me a map of Leuven, all 2 km of it.) The lady at the desk gave me some brochures and then told me the free computer and phone would be open at 2:00, because as I was to learn, Belgian people don't work. They open at 10:00 am, close from 12:30-2, and then are open until 5:oo pm. Sometimes they close on Wednesdays, for no particular reason, and even when they are there , they feel no urge to serve you promptly.

Who needs an hour and a half lunch???? Ppl in Canada eat lunch at their desk for 15 min and work from 9-5 MIN.

So I wandered around town for a while,then came back after lunch and proceeded to call landlords. There was only one who would give me the same day appt. So I went to see it. He was late of course, but I met a nice boy from Holland who also took a room.

I saw the room, realized it looked like an Ikea dorm room showroom and took it. The rent is super cheap, the bathroom and kitchen are about a mile away and the Chinese guy next door chain smokes and only walks around in his pajamas.

I went back to the monastary, literally FELL into bed (I had been up for 36 hours) and thought of all the great horror movies that could take place there.

The next day I went to the Belgium Loblaws, Courfoor, and bought grocerys, linens, etc. I then stole the cart and wheeled it up the mile long hill to the monastary, unpacked it, rolled it all the way back down, then went to the bank until I realized that it was 1:00 and the bank was obviously closed for lunch. (yes, even BANKS close for lunch) and of course the ATM was out of service.

I moved in, unpacked, wandered around some more, met some ppl, had dinner with someone I met.

The cab took Visa though. He also refused a tip, but I forced it on him. (trust me he deserved it after lifting my suitcases.

Thursday, September 6, 2007


Okay, yes, I am writing a blog. I always wanted an excuse to write a blog.

So I am going on Monday to Belgium. When there I plan to stay at a monastary until I find an appt. Apparently it is rainy there just as I had feared, so Burberry rainboots are still on my wishlist.

Before then I have to pack, get my cellphone unlocked, find my license and all those other exciting pre-departure bits.

Right now I am stuck in Guelph waiting for Al Pacino to rescue me. I am using Jackie Toledano's computer, which internet, being the techie genuis I am, figured out. I am a little bit cranky after spending half a day trying to put together her fan and watching her mother hang pictures.

Can everyone please get Skype? For those of you who don't know what it is, please enter into this century and google it.

I'm only allowed to take 2 suitcases which is going to be a big challenge.

K this post is boring, but hopefully it will get more exciting!