Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Worst Blogger ever

I know...I know...

But my life has actually gained a routine.

I wake up at 1:27 5 days a week, clean my room, cook lunch, go out shopping for something, all of a sudden I realize it's 5 pm and I have accomplished nothing.

Then I attempt to do some work, usually get 15 min done before being distracted by msn/skype/aol/facebook/wikipedia. Then I cook dinner, realize it is already 8pm. I go impose myself on my poor Belgian neighbours who have to put up with my babbling. Then I text people, usually Joanna-Gallagher-Look-Alike to see what's happening that night. I start getting ready, start drinking, realize my vodka is almost out, then go out.

We start off in the markt, going to 3 bars before we find one that we like. At 1am we will end up at the Seven Oaks, which is always happening. We will talk to approximately 6 random people and have the following conversation:

Are you Belgian?
I am. Where are are you from?
CANADA! What part of Canada?
That is the English part?
Tu Parle Francais?
Je ne parle Pas francais. Well..petit peu
What are you studying?
What are you studying?
Civil Engineering.
Wow that is really hard.

*Akward smiling and shuffling that resembles dancing*

Go back to Joanna Gallagher Look-Alike

We leave Seven Oaks at about 4:30 and go back to the Markt. There we will meet several more random people, but it being later and only the fun people being out, the conversations will be more interesting. They will take place on the cobblestone.

Where are you from?
Yes, You?
Wow. Belgian guys really like striped shirts don't they?
*Akward smile*
Lets take a picture!
*There will always be two guys who are a foot taller then me who feel the need to actally lift me a foot of the ground so I will fit into the fram*

We repeat this approx 3 times before we go to 2 more bars.

We will then attempt to go home, but run into a person we met at a party 3 weeks ago and had conversation #1 with.

Then Joanna Gallagher look alike will steal something, a chair perhaps, or a bicycle.

I will then be afraid of sunrise and go home. She will force me to walk her halfway.

By now it is 5:45.

I will crawl into bed, hoping not to run into anybody in my hall.

Then it starts all over agin.

Twice a week however I will wake up at 10 am, go to class, take notes, have conversations with native English speakers, go late to French class, it will rain and I will curse myself for not remembering a plastic bag for my bicycle.

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