Sunday, November 11, 2007

Where the Poppies grow

Today was remembrance day.

On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. Won't it be excited when we get to 2011? Yeaaa it will.

So me and the Canadians decided to go to Ypres which is like 2.5 hours away.

I woke up at 7. That is an achievement considering I went to bed at 4.

My bike didn't break down on the way to the train station and I made the train with a full 30 seconds.

We got to Ypres and followed the people.

There was a contingent of Sikhs in the procession, because they fought as well when India was part of the British Empire. English Patient anyone?

This random girl stopped me and Tiffany and asked us some questions for her high school project. Wahoo, I'm a Belgian superstar now.

Then we saw a Canadian flag and just joined the procession!

The town was totally DESTROYED in WW1 and was rebuilt. It's remarkable how they rebuilt it, it looks identical. The history of Ypres is that it was a cloth making and military town. It has a massive neo-gothic building that was rebuilt.

So there were tonnes of British people there, tour buses full. There was this one adooorable little British boy with his ultra sterotypical British father.

My camera getting blurry though.

So after the ceremony where ppl from Canada and Britain read poems (Incluing Flanders Fields!) and the British guard or whomever those ppl with the bearskin hats did like music and other groups did musical stuff too. It was hard to see over the people though.

And it was raining hard.

And then all of a sudden, as the ceremony was ending, the sun came out. Swear.

Then we spend like a long while trying to find a cheap place to eat that could sit 8, and ended up at a Shwarma place.

Then we tried to go to Passendale (where the giant battles were held) but missed the bus that only goes every 2 hours, so we went to the very expensive museum instead.

There was a school group of British girls who had the CUTEST rainboots on. I can't wait to go to England and get myself a pair.

But seriously, war is soooo stupid. Like do people even know what they are fighting for? And is it worth it? LIke WW1..what the hell was the point of that? and everyone was miserable in it, an entire generation died, it created a recession, led to WW2 and basically...well...was stupid.

ON the way home, the fucking evil conducter caught me writing on my GO Pass, because you are supposed to write your destination before, and actually charged me 18 euro.

Who the hell does that?

So mean.

And yesterday a bank machine swallowed my Canadian Bank card. It literally said as it was swolloing it "THis card will be swallowed in 15 seconds"

At least it is a polite, evil, bank machine.

K i Have a giiiaant headache, going to bed.

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