Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Irish Night!

JGLA(Joanna Gallagher Look Alike) decided to have an Irish night at her rez!

I went there straight from school to help.

There were a lot of potatos involved. And Baileys. You can't have Irish night without potatos and alcohol.

It was a lot of fun. There were Belgians from her floor, random Spanish girls, and I actually convinced Boy Next Door to come!

I have been trying reallllly hard to become friends with Belgians. It is not an easy process but I feel I am making progress.

For instance, I actually got invited to dinner with them the other day! (although they may have just been trying to be polite...) And I went jogging with Helpful Belgians GF who I actually like a lot now.

I even took Midwife (A girl down the hall) shopping for proper clothes since I bluntly and possibly rudely told her she desperately needed some. But she agreed and is now much happier!

Anyways, so yea, BND came and you know when you talk about ppl....and then the ppl you talk about come and meet the ppl who already know everything about them? And you're just like...shiiiiittttt, I hope no one drops anything because then I would seem like really weird and stalkerish even though what the hell else am I supposed to talk about???

Or is that just me?

But he did not have a good time...which I don't really blame myself for. Like...I have realized you really do have to take it upon yourself at a party to make the fun. dont wait for the fun to come to you BE the fun. (that is so inspirational isn't it?)

Like be friendlier!

Oh ....I forgot to blog about this one particular night...buuuut basically I met this guy who kept trying to hit on me (Slutty Slovakian) but not only had a wife and kids, but a girl on the side who he loved...AND coincedentally lived in my complex!

So when we went to the Irish bar (where I met him last week) he was there! With a girl! Akwaaarrrrd. He was like "OH I was told you fell and cut yourself and it was my fault" I was yea...that sucked. the Seven Oaks...I actually did happen to fall and cut myself on a beer glass and that was not fun. Probably because I was trying to run away from him.

And I think he was wearing the same sweater. Just sayin.

I feel there is a lot of Exchange cest.

Like JGLA made out with this Phd irish student, and then today we ran into this girl and she had also make out with him! I have no idea how they got on the topic though...I should ask....

Yea so basically I have given up on BND being any fun at all and am going to try hard to frequent the American residence, where there is funner N.A's.

Not to be all like N.A and think that my country is great...but it IS friendlier. And how much effort can I put in? Enough already. English speakers are just friendlier and not just because they speak english.

And suprisngly Germans are really friendly too. And realllly good-looking. But...I'm not sure if that's kosher.

It's the truth, w/e.

K I have to sleep, its my class day tmrw!

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