Monday, November 5, 2007

Football makes more sense then soccer

Doesn't it though? Rational Euros.

I have been so bored lately with this 5 day long weekend that I actually started jogging. I shocked myself and my calves by running straight through my entire workout playlist! That is a good 40 min. I have done it twice so far and it's great. The only problem is I feel like I'm going to die the next morning. But no pain, no gain.

Today my Belgian rezmates ask me to join them in a football game. problem..I just went jogging, but whatever, football can be fun. I was on my grade 7 soccer team for like 5 min, it will come back to me.

So we biked to the Sports centre and started to play, not on grass, but on the green slippery the rain. They weren't 'wussy Americans' apparantly. FIne, whatever, I'm a good sport. There were only 3 girls playing, and one of them got her nose smashed in by Boy Next Door. Poor girl. When that happens where I come from, the standard saying is "Good excuse for a nose job", but I don't think that would apply in this situation.

I'm used to playing basketball. Seriously. Point guard. I'm kind of intense when I play sports. Like, I'm not one of those girls who shrieks when the ball come at her (okay, sometimes I am, but only when it's about to hit my head) and I don't mind shoving someone out of the way to get to the ball. Which is exactly what I did.

I'm not going to say I played well, but at least I kicked the ball in some sort of direction often. And occasionally I even stole it! I kept randomly screaming all these like cheerleading cheers like "our team was red hot" but I felt like I was talking to a wall. So I stopped.

It was a lot of fun actually. Especially when my white t-shirt began to get see thru. But hey, I'm sure people were more focused on the ball.

I know most ppl don't exactly see me as an 'athletic' type. But I would like to break that misconception! When I play, I play hardcore. It's like people see things as mutually exclusive, like a girl who won't leave her room without mascara can't kick a ball and like it. As if!!

I should start a worldwide campaign against stereotypes.

Quotes of the Week

"Danielle, it's called football, not boobball"

~Helpful Belgian after the ball kept hitting me in the chest. Not my fault, their all taller then me.

I really wasn't expecting you to be good. But you are. You really surprised me
~ Boy Who Used To Live Across From Me

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