Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Mother Fucker not again

I have bad news. Terrible news.

I lost my cell phone AGAIN. or someone stole it.

I'll start from the beginning and you can judge the events leading up to this horrible loss.

JGLA said she would be over at 11, and she was naturally an hour late. So I spent the time watching Greys Anatomy dubbed in French. (And no, I didn't understand anything, but you have to start from somewhere) When she finally did show up at half past midnight, we started drinking sangria, wine and vodka.

It was fun and we were just talking and then Boy Next Door came in. And I was kinda tipsy and kind of starting insulting Catholosim (which they both are) but in an academic way.

(NB: That morning I did BND curly-jew hair and it looks way better now. And I found out he is most defnitely NOT Jewish. But I still think that he's lying.)

So then we went to the kitchen to get some vodka and JGLA stole some marshmellows, and I participated. I really didn't have very much to drink, just 7% sangria. But I haven't really drank for a week so maybe my tolerance is low.

We went back to my room when...

Helpful Belgian knocks on my door in a robe and in a very disoriented voice starts telling us to shut the fuck up basically because we were way to loud and to leave the building.

He said it really meanly. We were really taken aback at this b/c he is usually really nice. And it was only 2am. BUt I guess 2am on a tuesday for some ppl is hard.

So we decided to leave and be respectful so we did.

We kept drinking vodka/gernadine mix until the Oude Markt (passing a police car btw who don't care) and then eventually went inside De Rector, a club in the markt.

It was supposed to be 2.5 euro cocktails. We found some Italian girls there. It was basically a meat market. Every Belgian guy was in his striped t shirt uniform as usual.

I asked this guy in a giant red stella shirt to give me his shirt...and he did. I think that was the highlight of the nite.

I was just dancing like CRAZY. And the JGLA started to kiss this Flemish black guy.

All these guys were wearing sashes that said MIM on them. I guess it was some sort of faculty party.

At the end of the night they were spooning pina colada mix into our plastic cups.

There were also a lot of French guys so I got to practice my French!!

I really didn't think I was drunk at all, but apparantly I was. But I don't think I was! Some guy bought me a stella and I had some pina colada and some vodka and sangria, but not A LOT. So I don't know how my phone came to be lost.

I put my coach wrislet down twice, but would a theif just take the whole purse? I mean its so small might as well. But I rememebr looking at my wrislet once and being like "Oh shit , it's open, i should close it" and then closing it. SO maybe it fell out???

But I went back today and it wasn't there:( And I checked the police station dammit.

So after De Rector closed and we stole some flowers and pina colada, we went to the Seven Oaks and danced there for a while. On the way we met some Belgian boys on bikes and they started talking in Flemish or French or something I really had no idea at hat point. They looked really young though.

I think they were saying like Flemish swear words or like vagina or something. I don't even care. So we danced at the 7oaks, JGLA kissed a guy on ecstacy, then I noticed my phone was missing. Kept on dancing.

Then sometime we called it a night (no idea when since my cellphone is also my watch, my alarm clock, my calculator etc)

sooo then we went home i guess. And i gave JGLA money for the bus. WHen I collapsed into my bed i realized the room was spinning and that i was possibly drunk afterall.

I woke up this morning to banging on my door. and i kept asking who it was and being like 'do you fucking speak english who is it?"

so finally i got up and answered and hoped it wasnt a serial killer.

But it was Helpful Beglian who proceeded to give me a stern lecture. I was just thinking "fuuuck off". He was really pissed at me, so then I got really pissed at him.

LIke seriously get OVER it. Who storms into someones room in the morning, forces them to answer the door w/o saying who it is and then gives a lecture? Is he my father? It is sooo patronizing. Like
ME: What time is it?
HIm: Time to get up

So now I just really don't want to speak to him.

Yea I get I was too loud, I'm SORRRY. I didn't realize that I was loud and when he told me we left right away. Like what else does he want? And then another guy said I was too loud. I'm like..yea i know sorry. it doesnt happen every day.

And I hate when people yell at me or are mad at me. I can't handle it. I'm too meek (seriously I can't deal with confrontation). It makes me feel like a little girl again.

And tonight there is a Sinter Klauss party where everyone splits into pairs and cooks a snack. Me and this guy baked banana cookies out of a recipe I basically made up!

I have so much time on my hands here I'm learning to cook.

And I got a package from home again today!!!!!!!!!!!! Which included kraft dinner (L)

K I'm going to go be depressed and bitter now.

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