Wednesday, November 14, 2007 you carry flour?

I . Hate. Slash. Love. Grocery Shopping.

I takes me like 3 hours to go grocery shopping. This is because it takes me about 10 minuites per item to figure out what it is.

Every time I come home there is at least one thing that is totally the wrong thing.

You would think growing up in a bilingual country that I would be able to at least read the french labels. It's better then my Flemish, but I can only catch the gist, not actually what it is.

For instance, if I wanted unbleached white flour...I can kind of tell what item is flour...but which is white? which is for baking? Which is organic?

Also, the grocery stores have a way narrower selection then we do on a lot of things. Like baking. They literally do NOT carry chocolate chips. What kind of self respecting grocery store doesn't carry chocolate chips?????

They have a massive alcohol section, the size of an LCBO in the middle of the store, but a weeny 10th of an aisle for salad dressing.

They have a massive cheese section stretching across an entire wall.....yet they don't carry cheddar.

I'm trying to bake vegan chocolate chip cookies (if you cook it yourself it like, cancels out the calories) and spent 1 hour staring at the baking section.

I hope I have the right stuff...I will tell you in a few hours.

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