Friday, December 14, 2007


Ohhhh the city of lovers.

And water.

I figured I had to see it before it sunk.
We took the train there where some old Italian guy was laughing at me for sleeping on the couchette.

I think Midwife was ready to shoot me at this point. To much shopping for her. Although I think we saw an equal amount of sights! But she doesn't think so.

I kinda make her walk around for hours trying to find the Jewish Ghetto. We met a nice man named Luigi, who actually spoke, not only English, but also Dutch! Most Italians don't even speak English...nevermind Dutch.

The Jewish Ghetto kind of sucked...except for the Giant Menorah in the centre. But they also had a giant Menorah in Milan. Pics will be up soon!

I bought a 'Chi" necklace and a Mezzuah from home.

Venice is renowned for it's glass made from Murano. So it was made out of a nice blue glass.

I like reading a book or watching a movie about a place before I go, but it's hard to do that in Belgium with not much English books in the library and dvds are expensive. Then I remembered that I had once seen the begining of the "Merchant of Venice"

Shylock probably lived there!( I know he was fake, but whatever)

Of course the Jews lived in a ghetto, but appranlty it was much better conditions then other euro cities. I dont think that says much though...
NOw there are about 50 Jews in Venice. The total population is only 65 000.

Which explains why, if you go of the tourist street, the town is EMPTY. Its nice. No cars...just emptiness.

but truthfully, everyone makes such a big deal about Venice.

But it's not THAT great. I mean I didn't have an urge to become romantic or anything. There was water...and houses...and toursists...and churches...but I wasn't like


But i will be sure to tell you when I do feel like that! Possibly in Paris or Rome....hopefully..if I ever go..

Midwife ate at Mcdonalds again. Which has gotten this classy black exterior.

There are a million more mcdonalds in Europe then In Canada. Seriously. I went to the grocery store, btu she refused to buy a Bellini with me. Bellini's were invented in was a cultural experience. But apparntly she "is not like me"

So then we took this water boat for an hour, seeing all the Mansions form the other side.

I read all about the history of Venice from Lonely Planet on the train ride there and it was interesting. Same thing as every other EuroCity.

It came from mud. It rose to be a trading centre. it has it's Golden Age. Built incredible Churches, commissioned art from genuises, stood up against the Vatican, became wonton with booze and ladies, won a few wars. Then it was traded between Empires for a few hundred years, slowly deterioating until being bombed the shit out of in the 2 world wars. And now its a Tourist Amusement park

Still waiting for a city that doesn't follow this history.

It started to rain, of course.

We got to the centre square where Midwife was disapointed because it had 'looked bigger in James Bond'.

But the Basilca was pretty. Had a gold roof. Sparkly. Amazing Mosaics.

Then Midwife reaized that her feet was killing her (She was wearing boots with a heel...duuuuh) and so I didn't want to spend money taking the boat back to the train station, so I told her I would walk and meet her there. And that is what I did.

In the dark, twisiting streets of Venice I walked for a few km. I was great actually.
I found myself on a shopping street and I bought a Gelato.

I miraculous didn't get lost. (I ALWAYS get lost. I have no idea how to read maps. I always say the best way to see a city is get lost. I say this because I always get lost and never end up seeing what I'm supossed to be seeing)

But a great novel could be written about the rain.. when all the tourists go home...and all is left is the water..and a gondalier...a horror novel perhaps??

I have a twisted mind. I better become a best-selling horror novelist, I always think of great plots no matter where I go.

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