Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I'm going away on thursday!!

Where am I going to ask? Good question!

Spain, Morocco and Portugal.

And because I take the saying 'To Life" very seriously, I refuse to wait for someone else who wants to travel to those places, so I am going myself.

Yes, I know. I'm crazy. Its dangerous. I'll die, get raped, vomit and have no one to hold my hair back (G-d forbid).

But I did it when I was 18, so hopefully I can do it when I'm 20, older and wiser!

And it really opened my eyes to a lot of things. That North America kind of fear mongers.

That tonnes of people travel solo.

That as long as you go to a lonely planet hostel you will always be with young

You meet people that you would never have met otherwise. And it's so spontaneous. You can do whatever YOU want. If you decide on a spur of a moment that you want to go somewhere else you can. If you meet someone on a bus and decide to travel with them for a few days, you can.
It's like total freedom.

So hopefully, becuase I;m going in the low season, there will still be some travelers.

Because I don't speak Spanish and my French is disatourous.

I will be sure to update regulary! If I don't update regularly, please call the Canadian Embassy and alert them.
joking. Or not.

Im SUPER excited for Morocoo.

I have no planned itinerary yet, just flying into Barcelona and out of Lisbon.

We will see what happens in between those 2 flights!

I'm hoping to do a trek in the Anti-Atlas but there is scarce info about it, and I think I would have to bring my sleeping bag.Which would be fine, I just want to be sure im trekking before doing it, but i wouldnt trek alone so i wold have to find a trekking buddy in the country.

details details details.

So bascailly i got some guidebooks from the library and scanned through them. So far my iten looks like this:

Barcelona--> Madrid--->Grenada-->Some port city where I ferry to Tanger--> Marrakesh-->Ouzazzatte (Western Sahara)-->surronding dunes-->Fez--> Tanger back to Spanish Port-->Seville-->Faro on route to Lisbon

If any one has ANY suggestions comment! Like "Danielle you are insane please take immodium tablets" or even better train timetables..

I have to pack all my shit in my adorable MEC bag, but that means I have to do laundry. and write a 9 page essay. no biggie.

1 comment:

rachkael said...

hahaha, ALWAYS take immodium tablets. duuuh!

Uhm...don't drink milk in spain it is super gross and unrefridgerated and just really really revolting.

My roommate backpacked on her own through Ireland/Spain/Amsterdam/most of Europe all by herself last summer and nothing went wrong, so don't worry and just don't go for rides in cars with strange men (bikes are ok)