Thursday, December 20, 2007

Shouldn´t have left the compass at home

Okay so after not sleeping for likie...a bajillion hours, I am writing this post. be happy.

I am a firm believer in trains over planes. not only are they better for the envinronment, but they are actually faster and not that much more expensive.

Sure you can get a ryanair flight for one cent, but when you add on taxes, time spent getting to airports practially in a different city, credit card fees, baggage fees, food fees, you´re looking at the same price as a train and a hell of a lot less hassle.

take the trains kids, listen to david suziki.

I woke up (ok, fine, i didnt go to bed) at 6, left my house at 6¨45 and didnt get to my hostel until 2 pm! Hate. planes.

bus__train___train__bust___Plane___bus__walking for half an hour takes a fuking long time. sooo happy im flying into BRU instead of out the way hole in the ground charleroi.

so i got to barcelona, and i really had no idea what to expect. ive never seen pictures or anything.

its a pretty city.
not sprawling and dirty like milan.

There are palm tree and boardwalks. Its kinda like florida actually.

the people aren´t rude, there are almost no gypsies selling anything (maybe in the summer?) and there are almost no tourists.

after going to my hostel and almost KILLING my sleeping bag (long story short i lost the sleeping bag bag and it wont scrunch small enough to attach to my backpack anymore) i set out for walk.

Footprints guidebooks are supposed to be the new lonely planet, but lonely planet is much clearer and well organized i think. i just gave up and started to roam.

well actually first i was starving because ryan air is too cheap to get food so i went to a cultural icon: mcdonalds.

dont stone me now. mcdonalds, as i think ive said before really represents a culture. for instance, here they gave me SALSA instead of ketchup.

but i actually would have gone anywhere but i was so hungry i went for the first place i saw.

then i went back to my hostel---which is super adorable and has free internet.

then i decided to go to a famous streed ¨Ramblas

SIX hours later. SIX hours. I find it.

and then find out it was the same street i was only earlier in the day where mcdonalds was.

i almost shot myself.

i think the part of my brain that has spatial sense is missing. for the life of me i cannot read or understand a map. it is ALWAYS the op`posite direction.

on the plus side, i got to see the ´real´barcelona.
for 6 bloody hours.

but the highlight of my day were threefold.

1. I happened to run into Gaudi´s articheture.

I was surprised, but I was blown away. it looks like a children did it. it is such a creative twist on gothic artchicheure. all round lines and blocky figures. This is the first real artichure that seems...authentic. not like somebody wanted to impress the pope, but just....real. like somebody actually loved buildings. it for some reason reminds me of a gingerbread house. i know im not explaining what Gaudi´´s buildings look like, but they are so playful and weird. usually i feel kind of let down by buildings, becuase they all look the same after a while. but his were truly unique. im going to go back tmrw and take some pictures.

Google¨Gaudi for info.

2. had a converstaion with someone

i asked this man on the street where Ramblas was. he responded in perfect english! and he was SUPER hot. and we talked for 15 min. AND he lived in toronto for a year. did i mention how hot he was? after walking in a lululemon sweater in 5 degrees for 6 hours, it was like have a refreshing sip of diet coke. it went straight to my brain.ç

3. back in my hostel, after getting lost for another hour trying to find it ( I NEED GPS) this guy sat down beside me at the computer station (where I am writing an environmental essay) and asked me my name blah blah blah.

then he said ¨thats a common name in my country, israel¨

uhhh hu. thats right. im a fucking jew magnet. i think we will party later. we will see. ill blog tmrw

right now its back to essays!!

and mini grilled cheese with salsa sauce...

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