Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Fly JetAirFly and possibly die

Yay, so in honour of the holy land I have decided to resume my blog that has to long been dormant.

Lets start with my last day in Belgium.

Actually I can't even recount this story again....bassssically i had SERIOUS SEIROUS luggage issues because of stupid airline regulations that need to go away. I had to leave like 1/3 of my clothes, my giant suitcase, and half my room in Belgium. I sent one small suitcase home with Simon, who i hope is actually allowed to bring it on his flight, and went to israel with my backpack and a large shopping back full of shoes basically.

I was wandering around the lovelye/hideous city of leige when it started to pour rain suddenly and unexpectedly. It was then that i cursed Belgium. I started to find a cab to take me to the airport but because I am apparantly the cheapest person alive I turned down the first cab driver and continuted to wander in the rain. Finally i gave up and hopped in the first cab i saw which happened to be a van in the middle of the street stopped at a traffic light.

26 euros later and at the tiny leige airport i was ready to go to the holy land!

except my baggage was 16 kilo overweight.


So i proceeded to take out verything from my bags and repack on the airport floor. shoes, underwear, books and makeup was everywhere. I just ouldnt decide what to leave.

I loved my shoes! I had boughten them all for 5 euro (yes you read that right) in Paris and i was never going to find shoes like that in Canada.

Then she got fed up with me and started to yell at me that she needed to close her booth.

so i dumped all my extra shit into 2 plastic bags and she decided she was too busy to weigh my hand luggage (a good 10 kilo overweight) and i ran to catch my flight.

I was so upset i had to leave all my shoes and pajamas behind that i ahem...started crying infront of the non english speaking guy who started throwing out my hair cream (damn liquid rule) she was very confused about why i was crying..probably because i declined to explain it to him in french.

but also i was getting my normal delayed emotional reactions that i get from having to leave belgium and go to the middle east.

then i asked another guy not to stamp my passport because i for some retarded reason thought he was stamping it with an israeli stamp. he declined though. about 15 min later the same guy runs in with 2 plastic bags.

I stopped him and said very sheepishly "oh..um those are mine"

He gave me an incredulous stare.

"um..sorry about that. mam i in trouble?

He said" first you dont want me to stamp your passport, now this s your luggage?

"Um...yes? sorry about that..i meant to throw those out becuase of my overweight lugagge. but then...i forgot. so you can throw them out now"

He said: "So these are yours then? is there a time bomb in them? hahah"

"um no..hehe...just my..pajamas."


he totally did not speak english well enough to understand that that was my oveweight luggage! you were only allowed to bring 6 kg on the plan and i had about 15 kg with me.

and umm...how unsecure was that? everybody knows not to touch bags that are left unattended in the atrium! especially on a flight to israel.

but that is what you get with a random airport in leige and JetAirFly

Then i spent five hours in front of SCREAMING evil jewish children. Whose parents didnt even looked ashamed at every dirty dirty look i shot them.

I arrived eventually at my hostel at 2am and these Belgian guys in my shared taxi who spoke english well decided to walk me to my hostel. although is walking in the old city of jerusalem at 2 am really that dangerous? surely not.

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