Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I am unproductive

Thats it. I am so unbelivabley unproductive it's scary. I slept until 2pm today. 2 bloody pm. Do you understand there are people who wake up at 5 am to go work? I went to SLEEP at 5 30 am. This is not good.

Although I did clean my room the other day and have thus been able to actually do work..in my room. and not go to Pangaea, the international coffee house and pretend to do work but really spend 6 hours talking to people.

I have spent all day in my room trying to check off my to do list ( i am an organized unproductive person) but have failed miserably basically because i do not understand philosophy of g-d at ALLLLLL.

Yesterday was st. paddy's day AND the Persian New year. I know! It was very multi cultural. So my rez held a Persian New Year dinner, where the girls from Iran cooked. And I learnt all about this new years. So we all know that Persia is where Iran is now right? And that Iran used to be called a civilization called Babylon. And that they destroyed our temple in 586 bce and sent us into exile? Bastards. But then there was this nice king named Cyrus who let us go back and re-build the temple! And thus began an entirely new chapter of Judaism. Remember that verse from the Bible"

Psalms 137:1-4 By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion. We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof. For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion. How shall we sing the LORD’S song in a strange land?

But that was several thousands years ago, so I try to forgive and enjoy this nice dinner. The meat was Halal. Now I pretend to be a vegitarian, which I am. But occasionally, especially after a few beers and break down. But I still won't eat non-kosher meat. So I rationalize with Halal. Basically Muslim Kosher. Except not as strict and kind of bullshit. But I try. So the Iranian girl was SHOCKED and then she asked me if i was Muslim. And i was just like 'no'. and then she asked me about my meat-eating this morning. Where I was just like..umm yea..

Becuase I refuse to handle the intergettion i will get if she finds out if im Jewish.

So they celebrate New Years starting from when Mohammed made his pilgramage from Mecca to Medina, about 1400 years ago, but really, their native calendar starts from 3300 ago-roughly the same time of Solomon I think.

Oh ancient history...so wonderful.

But seriously I fully support a Babylon new year celebration..because...they were fucking cool, go wiki it.

With me being neither Muslim nor Catholic,i decided to continue with St. Paddys day by doing as the irish do and ruining my liver.

I had brought these Shamrock green shot glasses all the way from Canada including a button that said "Kiss me I'm Irish". No one took the bait though...dammit.

Me, Mystery boy , 2 other Belgians and Salsa Spanish Girl all went to the Irish bar where we met up with the Canadians. It was packed.

Mystery boy is this cute boy who lives across the street from me but I only see him like twice a semester. But when he gets drunk he takes off his sweater vest and becomes hilarious. He also has an iphone, which i totally respect in a country that does not even have an Apple store. He is also very perceptive. When one Canadian was hitting on Salsa Spanish Girl he not only noticed, but commented that it didn't seem to be working. Only time will tell though.

So that is pretty much it. I have been staring a computer screen all day and am thus so confused i haev no idea what i even wrote now. but i need to get back into this blogging biznach.

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