Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Smell like Sulphur

Oh my goodness.

i feel the need to blog so when Im old and wrinkly and confined to my bed i can read this and remember.
After missing 2 buses, getting asked out by a Man from the Nigerian Ibu tribe and almost having a breakdown in the Madrid bus station while my temporary traveling buddy, another american jewm annoyed me, i finally FINALLY arrived in Granada.

I went to Granada where i missed the most visited monument in spain, the Alahmbra because it was sold out 8900 ppl are allowed in a day. it was low season. it was sold out by 11 oclock. doesnt that scare anyone? tourists are taking over the world!!

but i met a lot of cooler people in Funky Backpackers hotel. I'll talk about the highlights so i can get to MORROCO where i am now.

Granada is a beautfil city. it reminds me of greece. winding alleyways, short, squat white buildings, small brown dirty children playing in the narrow streets in front of their houses. its easy and fun to get lost. the view is great (greece still has the best view of anywhere ive been though). The alahambra, a massive Moorish palace built in the 8th century or so, is floodlight at night.

so i wanted to do an excursion since i was there for 3 days, which is a lot in a small city. my hostel was offering thermal hotsprings for 10 euro. It sounded like a lot of money, but i just wanted to do something that night.

but...the more questions you asked the receptionsit./, the sketicher it got.

Where is it?

In the middle of nowhere.

How long have you been running this?
A month

Who runs it?

A friend of the daughter of a women who works at the hostel.

What should i bring?

Clothes that you dont mind getting totally ruined and stained

How many people are going?

just you three (me, a canadian girl and an american guy)

righhhtttt.......lets say it all together now! SKETCH.

so we got picked up in the mdidle of a square in 5 degree weather in a beat up mercedes by a young black/german/spanish guy.

he drove us literally through the wilderness into an olive grove. he told us people got nervous around the time when he starts to drive through a ditch.

when we got 'there', there was an rv, distant fires that were probably 'hippies' and a circular thing with a pipe going into it spilling water.

so there i was, in the middle of an olive grove, about to dip into a pool of water that was stinking like rotten eggs while several naked spainards smoked spliffs a few metres away.

so i dived right in.

the water was defintiliy thermal. it felt amazing after freezing my ass off in my stupidtiy of not bringing a jacket on this trip.

it turned into a really good nigth. we were just drinking in this thermal springs, with only locals, who apprantly have zero hangups about nudity. then the american guy asked the spainard for a spliff, (which was terrible since europe has shitty weed.)

and then these people come up to us and start talking to us. guess who they were?

no really..tkae a guess...

well i had yet to fulfil my Jew Quota for Granada, so naturally my last night there i spent it with ISRAELIS.


i raelly have to write my essay now but i will get back with tales from afria. because, there are oh so many.

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